Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1501: Isn't this Sheng Yiting's ex-girlfriend?

Simon followed the doctor to a nearby hospital, walked into the ward, and saw Tong Siyao lying on the bed.

At first glance, he looked familiar, he took a closer look-isn't it Sheng Yiting's ex-girlfriend? ! Although he has seen it once, it is impossible to admit his mistake!

This person dared to dump Sheng Yiting, and made Sheng Yiting never forget, he was a man!

Simon took a deep breath and called someone to check Tong Siyao.

If it is someone he doesn't know, he naturally doesn't care about her injury. But this is the woman of the eldest nephew, so she should be a little thoughtful.

Tong Siyao was still in a coma and didn't know when she would wake up.

Simon wants her to faint longer. Don’t talk about China before you wake up, at least wait until you get on the plane. Otherwise, what if she sees herself and refuses to go up?

When Tong Siyao was checking, Simon called Sheng Yiting and said, "I'm in Emilia, you never think who I saw!"

Sheng Yiting just answered Gong Mo's phone call and was informed that Lu Yang had passed away, so he was ready to attend the funeral.

He knew that Simon had accompanied Lu Duo to Emilia, rubbed his forehead, and said uninterestedly: "It's okay, I'll hang up first."

Simon: "...I just said something."

"So I said, I'll hang up if it's okay."

"You hang up, I won't say if you hang up, I will regret it for a lifetime!"

Sheng Yiting's heart jumped. Make him regret for a lifetime? In this life, only things related to that person have this effect...

He hurriedly asked: "Who did you see?"

"Tong, Si, Yao!" Simon said.

Sheng Yiting closed his eyes and asked, "Where is she?"

"Well, it is said to be a reporter. She was injured by a stray bullet last night, and the situation is a bit serious. The local doctor asked Brother Lu for help and took her back to China."

Sheng Yiting suffocated and asked urgently, "When will you arrive?"

Simon sneered: "Now you know that you are in a hurry?"

Sheng Yiting roared: "When will it arrive?!"

Simon: "..." If you have something to say, what's the cruel? Not cute at all!


After getting on the plane, Lu Wei asked Simon, "Where is the injured girl?"

"I let her lie down in the room." Simon said.

This is the Lu family's private jet, which happens to have a bedroom.

Simon said embarrassedly: "I can only wronged Brother Lu Wei on the sofa."

"It's okay. I'm not sleepy and I don't need to sleep." Lu Wei said, "I'll go see her."

The two went to the bedroom, Lu Duo followed, stood at the door and took a look, then rushed over and said, "Isn't this brother Yi Ting's girlfriend?"

Lu Wei listened and looked at her and Simon in surprise.

Simon was also surprised: "Really? I've seen it once, no wonder I feel familiar! Why is she here?"

Lu Wei asked: "Have you notified her family?"

Simon shook his head: "Someone helped her contact a hospital in China, paid for the medical expenses in advance, and sent it directly."

Lu Fei thought for a while, then asked, "Do you want to tell Yi Ting?"

"This..." Simon nodded, "I think it's better to talk about it, he has been thinking about it all these years."

He estimated that Sheng Yiting was already waiting at the airport when they got off the plane.

Lu Duo gritted his teeth bitterly, and then said softly, "I'll take care of her here."

"This—" Simon said hurriedly, "I'll do it, you are not in good spirits now."

Lu Duo shook his head and said sadly: "I heard that she and her parents are friends. I am watching her by the side. My parents will feel comforted when they are alive, right?"

Lu Fei sighed: "Well, you call us if you have something." (To be continued.)

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