Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1522: You are a pitted son

David's resume is clean and there is nothing unusual about it. If this is an illusion, I can hardly think of his purpose!

Sheng Yiting squinted his eyes. He, like Sheng Nanxuan, handles suspicious matters simply and rudely.

Since David couldn't find out if he had a problem, he would just kill him. When a person is dead, there is no plan to implement it.

He won't keep him moving along the vine, in case the vine becomes a snake and bites it, it will be a big loss!

Thinking of this, Sheng Yiting was determined, strode to the door of the ward and knocked on the door.

Tong Siyao's beautiful voice came: "Please come in."

Sheng Yiting paused, pressing his chin and pushing open the door.

Tong Siyao's forehead jumped fiercely when he saw his look of debt.

It looks like someone is here to fight.

Sheng Yiting pulled the tie around his neck and exhaled. It's too hot outside and it's much more comfortable in the air-conditioned room.

Seeing Tong Siyao sitting in a wheelchair, he asked concerned: "Can you get out of bed?"

"Well, I just don't dare to walk. I can do a little activity in two days."

"Hmm..." Sheng Yiting thought of seeing her last time, she was still lying down and dare not move, and she felt uncomfortable. I was full of resentment just now, and only distressed at the moment.

He lowered his voice and said, "Don't take risks in the future."

"I already have a plan for the future." Tong Siyao said calmly.

Sheng Yiting looked at her secretly, "Is there me in your plan?"

"Uh..." Tong Siyao said awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm talking about career planning."

"Heh—" Sheng Yiting sneered, "It looks like you are going to go to court?"

Tong Siyao frowned: "You are sick! I said it was a career plan!"

"What about other plans?!" Sheng Yiting was angry.

Tong Siyao paused and smiled angrily: "Your mother didn't tell you?"

"Say what?"

"Heh!" Tong Siyao also sneered, "If I were your mother, I would smoke you!"

Sheng Yiting was so angry that he gritted his teeth and did not argue with her.

He twisted his eyebrows and thought, has Mom made any progress? Why didn't you tell him? Look at Tong Siyao's face, too!

He said angrily: "It looks like you don't welcome me, I'll come back another day!"

Tong Siyao coldly snorted: "Walk slowly and not give it away!"

Sheng Yiting choked, closed the door fiercely, and went home full of grievances.

At home, Gong Mo and Sheng Shuangxue were happily discussing with the clothes he wore when they were infants. Sheng Nanxuan smiled and nodded.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Yiting asked in a daze, "Why did you turn this out?"

"For your baby, I kept it specially." Gong Mo said, "Why is your face so ugly? Who offended you?"

Sheng Yiting choked and asked hurriedly, "You turned out your clothes without the child?"

The three of them stared wide and looked at him like an idiot.

Gong Mo asked, "You haven't seen Siyao yet?"

"..." Will you get pumped if you say it?

He felt that something he didn't know had happened! It seems to be a serious matter!

Sheng Yiting swallowed his saliva and asked, "Have you been to see her?"

"Nonsense!" Gong Mobai glanced at him, "Didn't I say it, leave it to me! Isn't the woman's psychology like that? I'm here now, what can't be done? Siyao said, when she gets better, just Let you pick up the child."

Sheng Yiting stunned: "Then why don't you tell me?! You are a pitted son!" (To be continued.)

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