Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1523: Maybe you don’t need to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daught

"Why did I cheat you?" Gong Mo asked.

Sheng Yiting choked, dare not say, for fear that she would smoke herself.

Sheng Nanxuan sneered next to him: "I guess I made a mistake."

Sheng Shuangxue slapped the table: "Frankly be lenient! Resist and be strict!"

Sheng Yiting said weakly: "I just had a fight with her..."

"You--" Gong Mo's eyes widened with anger, picking up his childhood clothes and pulling them towards him.

Sheng Yiting's whole body was broken!

It was really hit by Tong Siyao, his mother wanted to smoke him!

Moreover, the three members of the family are all towards Tong Siyao, he is happy and sad, so sour!

He unconvincedly shouted to Gong Mo: "Are you still smoking me? Obviously you! Why didn't you tell?"

"I'm telling you? Beautiful you!" Gong Mo said, "That is the fruit of my labor, why should you enjoy it? I just didn't tell you on purpose, wanting to see if it was her problem or yours. Now the result is out, it’s always been your fault! Are you so embarrassed to talk about people? Siyao is so good and reasonable. People have said that you will pick up the children for a while, and you will make people angry when you come back Up!"

Sheng Yiting: "..." What about the predecessors who said they planted trees to enjoy the shade? Mom, you're a strong son!

The only relief is that there is probably no need to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Since he did something wrong, of course he did not hesitate to apologize.

The last time she treated him like that, he went to deliver a love meal with a sullen expression. This time he did something wrong. What else can he hesitate?

He immediately rolled up his sleeves: "I'm going to cook dinner."

"Waiting for you? My daughter-in-law is starving to death! Auntie should be ready, you can just carry it."

Sheng Yiting was taken aback, realizing that she had asked people to prepare meals for Tong Siyao these days, and was immediately moved: "Mom! You are so kind!"

He gave Gong Mo a hug and ran into the kitchen before Sheng Nanxuan changed his face.

Sheng Shuangxue sighed with her face in her hands, "Hey... the sour smell of love~ I have never been in a relationship in our family, I really want to talk~"

"Huh?" Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan looked at her incredulously.

She naturally said: "What's wrong? I'm a young girl, OK?"

Gong Mo helped his forehead: "A girl like you, I'm so worried that no one wants it!"

Sheng Nanxuan gritted his teeth: "Who dares to make you, let him practice martial arts and come to see me!"

Sheng Shuangxue: "..."

She lay down on the table depressed: "You don't love me..."

One disliked her, and one wanted to kill her future happiness.

At this time, Sheng Yiting brought out a food box and was about to leave.

Gong Mo exclaimed, "You only take one person's share? Do you think it is more emotional to eat with her, or to watch her eat more like a fool?"

Sheng Yiting: "..." Is he his own? is it?

He turned around and went back to load more food, and took more bowls and chopsticks.

"I really don't want to admit that you are my son." Gong Mo said disgustedly.

Sheng Shuangxue: Does every mother dislike her own children? It must be his own!


Sheng Yiting walked into the ward carrying the food box, Tong Siyao sat on the bed and typed on the laptop.

Seeing him, she closed the computer and said, "Did your mother smoke you?"

Sheng Yiting: "..."

Someone is really bad!

Did she and Mom reach an agreement? Actually unite to bully him!

His heart was sour and refreshed, both happy and worried.

He walked over and put down the food box and said sincerely: "I was too impulsive just now. My mother didn't tell me, I thought you...I'm sorry." (To be continued.)

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