Yu Xinran said: "I'm sorry...We didn't handle this matter properly, and we will explain it clearly to the outside."

"Okay, I told Nan Xuan." Yu Qingliu suddenly interjected.

Yu Xinran was startled: "Uncle——"

"When will you come over with Lu Wei and apologize personally!"

Yu Qingliu hung up the phone and looked at Sheng Nanxuan and Sheng Yiting——

"It's Lu Duo. She was sent by someone, and the people below didn't know it. They thought it was what they meant and did it."

"I knew it was her!" Sheng Yiting gritted his teeth.

Yu Xinzhuo said: "She also likes you. The little girl is a little bit more willful. Now that her parents are gone, she feels uncomfortable and wants to find a way to rely on her, so she is more impulsive.

"It would be nice if she is really a wayward little girl." Sheng Yiting said.

Yu Qingliu felt that he hated Lu Duo. In this way, even if the two are really married, it is a grudge.

It's a pity that the two were childhood sweethearts when they were young, but now they can't even be friends.

"No matter what, I'm still a child, so let the Lu family take care of it." Yu Xinzhuo said.

Sheng Nanxuan couldn't help being funny: "Are you still afraid of what I would do to her? She is not easy, just do nothing to us!"

Yu Qingliu: "..." Who can do anything to you?

After the three of the Yu family left, Sheng Shuangxue came out of the bedroom and asked, "How is it?"

"It's okay, did you do your homework?" Gong Mo asked.

"I did it today. I made an appointment with my classmates in the afternoon~"

"then you go--"

Sheng Nanxuan asked in surprise: "Men's and women's?"

Sheng Shuangxue looked at him speechlessly: "Female!"

"then you go."

Gong Mo gave him a helpless look and said, "I guess Xinran and Lu Wei really don't know, they are not fools. It's Lu Duo... it's very possible. I heard that Tong Siyao went to Qingyu Media to apply for a job... "

She looked at Sheng Yiting: "After she gave birth, she probably wanted to work here. When I was applying for the job, I met Lu Duo taking a picture of a magazine there. Lu Duo said hello to HR, so she didn't want her."

"Why is it so bad?" Sheng Shuangxue muttered, "If it hadn't happened, wouldn't we have known that my brother has a baby?"


Sheng Yiting clenched his fists.

He can imagine how Tong Siyao desperately decided to go to Emilia.

What if she had an accident in Emilia? Didn't I never see her again?

This time she was lucky, but was hit by a stray bullet, which didn't hurt her vitals. In case she is unlucky and encounters an attack against her, would she have died long ago?

Sheng Nanxuan said: "On our side, we will strengthen the protection of several members of the Tong family to prevent accidents."

"You are so scary." Sheng Shuangxue said anxiously, "Can I still play with my classmates today?"

"It's better not to go." What if you encounter a boy who is ill-intentioned? ╭(╯^╰)╮

Sheng Shuangxue: "..." Dad is really unreasonable! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Gong Mo smiled and said, "If you don't go to play with your classmates, we will visit your sister-in-law together."

"My classmates and I have made an appointment, so let's go, maybe we won't make an appointment next time."

Gong Mo nodded and said to Sheng Yiting, "I will go to the hospital with you for a while."

Sheng Yiting said with a sad face: "The proposal just failed!"

Gong Mo was surprised: "Begging at this time? It's strange if you don't fail! Don't be discouraged. Girls are reserved. You have to ask a few times to highlight her preciousness and you will cherish it." (To be continued.)

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