Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1535: Bai learned so much to pick up girls

Sheng Yiting looked at him pitifully: "Siyao originally agreed, but I don't have a ring on my body."

Gong Mo looked at him incredulously, and yelled after a long time: "Don't say you are my son! Your father used to tease his sister, why are you so stupid!!! You can't recruit without a ring? If it's your father, sure I just dropped a root of hair from my head and wrapped my fingers around it, and said, "Hair knotting is a husband and wife..."

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and nodded: "My wife still understands me."

Sheng Shuangxue covers her eyes: Damn~ The dog abuse mode is on again!

Sheng Yiting was stunned: "This is fine too!"

Gong Mo stared at him: "Otherwise?"

"But isn't the knotting of two people's hair?" Sheng Yiting said weakly.

"So you are stupid!" Gong Mo yelled, "If she asks, you can pull another one on her head!

"...I'm sorry." Sheng Yiting said sadly, "I am really too stupid to be your son."

Both parents are masters of love, he is so stupid, is it possible that he picked it up?

Sheng Shuangxue held her face, really want to find a girl to try this trick Gong Mo said, and then remembered: She is also a girl!


Bai has learned so much to pick up girls!


The next day, the Lu Jiadang Daily clarified that the Beijing Daily’s report on the Sheng family and Lu Duo’s marriage is not true. Sheng Yiting and Lu Duo each have lovers, but they are purely friends, and the two have no plans to get married.

The manuscript was shown to the Sheng family before it was published, and there was no problem.

Then, Lu Fei and Yu Xinran brought Lu Duo to the capital, wanting to come to the door to apologize.

When the Sheng family learned that Lu Duo was also coming, it was not good immediately!

She walked in the door with the front foot, did the back foot again say that the two parties are discussing marriage?

Sheng Nanxuan hurriedly said: "Lu Duo won't use it. She suffered from bereavement. Let her rest."

Fortunately, Lu Qian and David also came, and Lu Fei and Yu Xinran let them stay in the hotel to accompany Lu Duo.

The Sheng family accepted their apology, but they both knew that after this incident, the relationship between the Sheng family and the Lu family was no better than before, and there was some suspicion after all.

Not only the Sheng family and the Lu family, but also the Sheng family and the Yu family, the Yu family and the Lu family also have different degrees of grudges.

Obviously looking at the three family members, they suddenly distanced themselves. I don't know if they will gradually cut off contact in the future.

This incident made Lu Fei's heart very angry. He clearly said that he should treat Yu Xinran well, but this time she was caught in the middle. But Lu Duo's parents are gone, and he is not good at teaching her, otherwise what would Lu Yang and Helen think? As soon as they died, he bullied their daughter?

Therefore, he could only talk to Lu Duo earnestly, and knock, and Lu Duo said that she knew that she was wrong, and he had no move.


After Lu Wei and Yu Xinran went to Sheng's house, Lu Duo rested in the hotel.

Lu Qian found her: "Would you like to go for a walk?"

Lu Duo shook his head, lying on the table in a daze.

Lu Qian reached out and touched her smooth hair, and said thoughtfully: "You are really different from when you were a kid..."

Lu Duo froze slightly, and looked up at her: "Why does aunt say that?"

"You didn't do this when you were a kid." Lu Qian retracted his hand and looked at her. "Is it because I didn't take care of you in those few years that made you change?"

Lu Duo lowered his eyes and asked sadly: "I like Sheng Yiting, is that wrong? He is my brother Yiting! When I was a kid, I played games with him and became his bride. Why can't I do it now?" Continued.)

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