Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1536: She is doubting you

She didn't know if Lu Duo did this kind of game with Sheng Yiting, but it's not a big deal that all children play like this. And Lu Qian was abroad at that time, how could he know these details?

Lu Qian was silent for a moment and said, "You don't like him, but because you haven't found someone you really like, you think you should like him."

"You have a few failed marriages and loves, can you teach me?!" Lu Duo screamed.

Lu Qian took a deep breath, looked at her incredulously, and said solemnly: "Duo Duo! Is this your upbringing?"

"What's wrong with my education?" Lu Duo shouted.

"Your aunt and I have never taught you to disobey your elders like this. Where did you learn it? If you had my aunt in your heart, and if you had the basic education, would you mention that I had a few failed marriages and loves?"

Lu Qian was married twice. She studied music. The two are musicians and painters. They are all artists. Romance comes and goes fast. Marriage and divorce are not normal.

Of course, she was deeply in love too, and finally ended in failure. That love is still aching when I think of it.

When she is not deeply in love, there is no shortage of men by her side, and there will always be intermittent love affair.

But unexpectedly, Lu Duo actually took this kind of thing! Where is Miss Qianjin’s upbringing? Even if Miss Qian Jin knows this, even if she knows that such words can hurt others, she won't lose her demeanor easily!

What's more, she is still her aunt!

Lu Qian said disappointedly: "I really want to doubt whether you are the original blossoming."

Lu Duo just heard that she was different from when she was a child, and he knew that she was suspicious of herself, and he was even more sure at this moment.

"I don't want to quarrel with you." Lu Duo cried sadly, "My parents are gone, you all come to bully me!"

Lu Qian shook his body: "How can you miss me that way?"

"Don't you bully me?!" Lu Duo screamed, turning around and running outside.

Lu Qian shouted, "Where are you going!"

She chased out, just when David came to look for them.

David stopped Lu Duo and asked urgently: "What's wrong? My little princess, who is bullying you?"

"I want to go out to relax, I feel bored!" Lu Duo cried.

David looked at Lu Qian hesitantly, and Lu Qian said, "Then you accompany Duo Duo, she is in a bad mood."

"Good." David nodded.

Lu Duo walked forward without looking back, Lu Qian suddenly stopped her: "Do you remember what you called Yi Ting when you were a kid?"

Lu Duo paused, his pupils shrank suddenly, then turned back and asked confidently, "What?"

"Tell me that you have an exclusive name for him, no one else has it, and they don't know."

"Of course I remember." Lu Duo said, "I just called him like that when I was in front of him, no one else knew."

Seeing that her expression was normal, Lu Qian lowered his eyes and nodded. It seems that I am too worried. How could this not be Lu Duo?

She just...changes, becomes less cute than before.


Lu Duo and David walked out of the hotel quickly, and David looked horrified: "What's the matter? She is suspicious of you?!"

"Shut up!" Lu Duo let out a low voice, "Find a place where no one is."

David hurriedly fell silent, and the two went to the park, strolling along the lonely boulevard, talking in a low voice.

"Lu Qian can't stay!" Lu Duo said, "Kill her as soon as possible to prevent our identity from being exposed. The Sheng family is also investigating me, which is really troublesome!" (To be continued.)

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