She looked at it for a while and then answered the phone.

Chen Jiahan heard the phone call, swallowed, and asked nervously: "Yuanyuan..."

Yang Danqi kicked him nearby.

He straightened up immediately and asked confidently: "Yuanyuan, I heard that you have come to the crew? Did you come to me? How did you go?"

Tian Yuan moved her lips and hung up the phone abruptly.

She buried her head in her arms, feeling that she was so useless, she couldn't even fight.

She was not the one who did the wrong thing, she could scold him? Why escape?

She raised her head sharply and dialed the phone back.

As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Jiahan shouted: "Yuanyuan——"

She shouted: "Break up! Bastard!"

After saying this, she hung up.

Chen Jiahan said to Yang Danqi in a daze, "She said...break up."

"Please!" Yang Danqi gave an underground order without permission, "Admit your mistakes, keep her, don't divide!"

"Why?" Chen Jiahan was puzzled, "Since she found out, I'll divide it--"

"Do you listen to me?!" Yang Danqi shouted.

Chen Jiahan was taken aback and nodded: "Okay, okay."

He continued to call Tian Yuan, but Tian Yuan no longer answered.


Tian Yuan bought a ticket back to the capital, and after getting on the plane, she suddenly thought: How can you explain to Tian Cheng when you go back?

She didn't want Tian Cheng to know such a shameful thing!

After thinking about it all the way, she hadn't thought of what to do when she got off the plane.

Dragging the box and walking out desperately, someone suddenly called her: "Yuanyuan?"

Tian Yuan was taken aback and looked up to see Yang Danqi's cousin and Lin Lei's son, Lin Weiqin.

"Who bullied you?" Lin Weiqin asked with wide eyes.

Tian Yuan wiped her tears and bowed her head without answering.

So so so? Your cousin!

Lin Weiqin looked at her thoughtfully for a while, and reached out to carry her suitcase: "Just got off the plane? Give it to me."

Tian Yuan avoided: "Why Brother Wei Qin is here? Going on a business trip?"

"No, just came back." Lin Weiqin mentioned her suitcase, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Tian Yuan paused.

Lin Weiqin asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"I don't want to go home..." Tian Yuan whispered.

Lin Weiqin thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Then...Would you like to go to my place?"

Tian Yuan raised her head and saw him looking at herself seriously, as if waiting for her answer.

She thought for a while, Lin Weiqin had no girlfriend, and it wouldn't make anyone uncomfortable to go to him, so she agreed.

Lin Weiqin smiled and said softly: "Let's go."

Lin Weiqin was picked up by the driver, and Tian Yuan, the driver of the Lin family, also knew him.

Tian Yuan suddenly felt that getting into the car with Lin Weiqin was too wrong! What if the driver sees that he has cried and goes to inform the police, and finally Tian Cheng finds out?

She sat in the back seat sadly, Lin Weiqin opened the refrigerator and took a bottle of juice to her: "Drink?"

"Thank you." Tian Yuan took the bottle and twisted the cap, but did not unscrew it after several twists.

Lin Weiqin hurriedly stretched out his hand: "I'm coming!"

Tian Yuan hurriedly passed the bottle, and then took a peek at the driver.

The driver didn't seem to notice her abnormality and had already driven.

"Here." Lin Weiqin handed her the unscrewed juice.

She said thank you again, and while drinking the juice, she thought: Mother and Aunt Lin seldom communicate, and Aunt Lin shouldn't care about her situation, even if she knows it, she won't tell the truth.

She sighed lightly, gurgling hard to drink juice.

Lin Weiqin thought: This kid must be out of thirst!

He said to the driver: "Drive slowly."

"Yes, master." The driver agreed.

Lin Weiqin said: "Go to my place." (To be continued.)

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