Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1625: It feels like what he is explaining

The driver said in surprise, "Madam is waiting for you to go home for dinner."

"She arranged a blind date for me again, right?" Lin Weiqin asked.

"Uh..." The driver acquiesced.

Tian Yuan put down the juice bottle and glanced at Lin Weiqin.

Lin Weiqin looks impatient, has money in his family, is still a scholar, and is worthy of the name. Since childhood, it was not that no one was chasing after him, but he did not have a girlfriend until he graduated from college, and then he was divided.

After that, I never touched Peach Blossom again. Now it's twenty nines, can Aunt Lin be in a hurry?

She asked cautiously: "Brother Wei Qin isn't getting married yet?"

Lin Weiqin looked at her and said with a smile: "No hurry."

"..." The person concerned is no longer anxious, and she is not his mother, so naturally she can't be anxious for him.

She nodded: "My cousin only got married last year. He is several years older than you."

"Yes." Lin Weiqin smiled and nodded.

The driver couldn't help but interrupt: "But when the president got married, the child was very big!"

Lin Weiqin glared at him: "Drive your car!"

The driver felt that he was wronged, and his wife clearly said this. Moreover, he was right! Sheng Yiting got married late, but gave birth early!


The car drove to Lin Weiqin's residence, and the driver got off to help with luggage.

Lin Weiqin said: "Okay, you go back to eat early."

"Madam that—"

"When she asks you, you just say that I went on a date with a girl, and she will definitely not trouble you."

The driver stared at Tian Yuan, who choked with saliva.

Lin Weiqin ignored him, carrying a box and calling Tian Yuan: "Let's go."

Tian Yuan turned to the driver and said, "Don't mention me!"

If the Lin family misunderstood something, what can she do?

Seeing Lin Weiqin left, she hurried to follow: "Why do you say that?"

Lin Weiqin said nonchalantly: "My mother wants to be crazy if I want to get married. Otherwise, she can call me a hundred calls in one night!"

"Uh... Am I giving you trouble? Or I'll go home."

"No!" Lin Weiqin said hurriedly, "Do you know if you saved my life? If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to deal with my mother today."

"...That's too serious to say that life-saving."

"For me it is."

Tian Yuan stopped talking and kept her head down until she entered Lin Weiqin's home.

"Wait a minute." Lin Weiqin opened the shoe cabinet and found a pair of ladies' slippers, "Wei Ran's, you will wear them, I have no other girls here except her."

Tian Yuan was taken aback, feeling like he was explaining something.

Well, it must be an occupational disease, the brain hole is too big.

Under the influence of Tian Cheng since she was a child, she naturally studied choreography in college, and she was always making stories in her mind. At this moment, she had already made up N endings for the grievances between herself and Chen Jiahan.

She looked at the pink bunny slippers on the ground and put them on with a complicated mood.

Unexpectedly, Sister Wei Ran is so imperial that she actually wears such girly slippers. This is the opposite of herself.

Her preferences are in the same line as Tian Cheng. Although she doesn't like too mature at this age, she doesn't like dreamy ones, but simple and fresh.

"Sit down first." Lin Weiqin said, "I'm going to make dinner. You can put your luggage in the guest room first, and it's the second one over there."

Tian Yuan nodded and saw him walking towards the kitchen, and hurriedly said: "Brother Wei Qin! No need to cook!"

"Have you eaten?" Lin Weiqin looked at her.

"...No." Tian Yuan said embarrassedly, "How embarrassed to trouble you? I can just order takeaway." (To be continued~^~)

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