Tian Yuan stretched her head and looked at her. The surroundings were quiet. It is estimated that Lin Weiqin has gone to work.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and generously walked into the bathroom to wash, then went back to the room to tidy up the luggage, and pushed the box out.

She took the note just now and planned to leave him a message below.

When she walked into the living room and smelled the aroma of food, she was startled and saw him sitting at the dining table when she looked up.

He was reading the newspaper and raised his head when he heard her movement: "Get up?"

"Hmm..." Tian Yuan looked at him blankly, didn't he go out? Why is there no sound?

"Come over for dinner." Lin Weiqin stood up.

Tian Yuan pushed the box over, put her luggage at the foot of the wall, and asked awkwardly: "When did you get up? Why didn't you call me?"

"Knowing that your girls love to sleep late, I won't bother you." He smiled softly, "How about it? Did you sleep better?"

"...Hmm." Tian Yuan bit her lip, still sad, but didn't want to influence him with this emotion.

He took her a glass of warm water: "Drink a glass of water first."

"Thank you." Tian Yuan took the water, drank and looked at the food on the table-oatmeal, sandwiches, omelettes... it was very rich.

"Did you do it?" she asked in a low voice.


Tian Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Really capable..."

Lin Weiqin smiled softly: "So so, let's eat first."

"That... I'm sorry."

"You all sat down."

"..." She didn't expect it just now!

Tian Yuan pursed her lips depressed, and said angrily: "Then I'm welcome!"

Lin Weiqin laughed loudly: "Don't be polite! You and I are polite, I don't know how to explain to Uncle Zeng."

"Huh!" Tian Yuan picked up the sandwich and chewed.

Lin Weiqin glanced at her box, her eyes dimmed slightly.

After eating, Tian Yuan said, "I'll do the dishes! I'm sorry to bother you all night, I didn't do anything."

"Don't bother." Lin Weiqin said, "but if you insist, just wash it."

"Good!" Tian Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly packed the dishes.

After entering the kitchen, Lin Weiqin followed up with an apron: "Put on this, don't get dirty."

"it is good--"

Tian Yuan stretched out her hand and was about to take it. He said, "Your hand is wet, let me help you."

"Okay." Tian Yuan stood with her back to him.

He helped her put on her apron and tied the belt behind her back. Seeing her white neck, his breath was choked.

Tian Yuan waited for a long time, and asked suspiciously, "Isn't it all right?"

"Okay." He fastened the strap fast and pulled it back.

Tian Yuan felt weird, she stretched out her hand to touch her neck and turned to look at him. He had already turned and went out.

She shook her head, presuming she had hallucinations.

After washing the dishes, she returned to the living room, Lin Weiqin was feeding the goldfish.

He turned his head and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah." Tian Cheng said embarrassedly, "I really troubled you yesterday, thank you so much. I will invite you to dinner next day?"

"Okay." He smiled slightly, put down the fish food and walked over, "I will send you."

"no need!"

"It's okay, I happen to be free."

Tian Yuan thought he was so boring to feed the fish, as if he was free, so she agreed.

Lin Weiqin took her box, took her downstairs, and drove her personally.

Tian's house is not far from here, although there is a traffic jam on the road, it took less than half an hour to arrive.

After the car stopped, Lin Weiqin helped take out the box from the trunk.

When handing it to Tian Yuan, he said: "Yuanyuan, you deserve someone to treat you well, don't hesitate to be sad for those who are not worthy." (To be continued~^~)

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