Tian Yuan was taken aback, and whispered: "I know."

Lin Weiqin patted her shoulder: "Good, don't worry anyone who cares about you."

"Yeah!" Tian Yuan nodded and smiled at him, "Don't worry, I won't get confused."

"That's good, otherwise the uncle and aunt will feel bad."

Tian Yuan nodded again, and stepped aside with the box: "Brother Wei Qin, you--"

She wanted to say "Go slowly", but suddenly felt wrong. It was too rude, so she asked, "Are you going to go up and sit down?"

"No. If you have something, you can call me. Anyway, you have called my brother since you were young, and I should cover you."

Tian Yuan couldn't help but smile: "Okay~"

Back home, Tian Cheng was not there, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise she really didn't know how to explain.

She went back to the bedroom, fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze. After a while, he took out his mobile phone and took a look. Chen Jiahan didn't contact her anymore, and threw aside with anger.

This man is really bad! The stalking effort is only this moment!

She felt that she was really blind, so why did she agree with him? Still premature love!

The two years of youth really fed the dog!

Tian Yuan picked up the phone angrily and blocked all his contact information!

At noon, she ordered a takeaway and went back to bed after eating. In a daze, when I heard the voice, opened my eyes, my mind was a little confused, I don't know what time it was.

"Where is Yuanyuan? I wasn't here yesterday, and I am not here today!" Zeng Shuai's voice came.

Tian Yuan was surprised and sat up from the bed.

Tian Cheng's voice also came: "Let's play with your classmates. If you didn't come when she was there, do you blame her?"

"It seems to be back." Zeng Shuai said, "she doesn't have slippers."

"Huh?" Tian Cheng was surprised.

Tian Yuan hurriedly got out of bed, pushed the box under the dressing table, and then someone knocked on the door.

She walked over to open the door, saw Tian Cheng, and smiled dryly: "Mom--"

Tian Cheng stared at her, she scratched her head.

Zeng Shuai came over and reached out and scratched her head.

"Dad--" Tian Yuan shouted, "What are you doing!"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you!" Zeng Shuai stared at her dissatisfiedly, "I don't know how to play around during the holiday, I know I hide at home."

"Okay!" Tian Cheng pushed him away, "Go and cut the fruit, Yuanyuan just fell asleep, let her eat something."

"Good." Zeng Shuai smiled at Tian Yuan, "Daddy bought you mangoes."

Tian Yuan said lazily, "Thank you Dad."

Zeng Shuai scratched her head again, turned and went to the kitchen.

Seeing him leaving, Tian Cheng hurriedly pushed Tian Yuan into the room, closed the door and asked, "Why are you back?"

Tian Yuan turned around and dragged the box out from under the dressing table, took out the clothes inside, and said angrily: "I broke up with him!"


Tian Yuan pursed her lips and said nothing.

Tian Cheng asked: "He cheated?"

Tian Yuan nodded.

"That must be scored!" Tian Cheng said, "Two-legged men are easy to find. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me, don't look for life."

Tian Yuan grimaced: "I just feel uncomfortable in my heart..."

"Okay, okay..." Tian Cheng hugged her in her arms, "It's mother that is not good, mother shouldn't support you to be with him——"

"It's none of your business." Tian Yuan said hurriedly, "I know it cannot be undone, but it ends like this, I feel unhappy! I don't understand the hate!"

"That asked someone to beat him?"

Tian Yuan: "..."

"What about people?" Zeng Shuai called out, "What are you whispering again?" (to be continued~^~)

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