Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1701: Do you like Lin Weiqin?

Tian Yuan put away the phone, and soon heard the vibration again, took it out and took a look——

Lin Weiqin asked: What do you eat?

【Hot Pot. ] Tian Yuan took a picture and sent it.

Back to the hotel after dinner, it was snowing. There is little snow in the south, and people on the road are surprised, looking at the snowflakes and screaming to take pictures.

Tian Yuan raised her head and Xixue fell on her face.

"Yuanyuan." A voice came from the side.

Tian Yuan turned around and saw Si Chen standing in front of her.

Si Chen smiled and said, "Let's walk together?"

Seeing that it was still early, Tian Yuan nodded.

The two walked along the street, and Si Chen asked, "Are you cold?"

Tian Yuan shook her head and looked at the shop window by the roadside.

Suddenly, after passing a flower shop, Tian Yuan paused in her footsteps, and then quickly walked over.

Si Chen caught up: "Yuanyuan——"

Tian Yuan turned around and saw that he was holding a bunch of roses in his hand.

He walked quickly to her, a little nervous, took a few breaths and brought Rose to her: "Yuanyuan, I—"

Tian Yuan took a step back, looking at him with clean eyes, then turned and walked away.

Si Chen's hand froze, standing under the fine snow and slowly dropping his hand.

Tian Yuan ran back to the hotel room, rested for a while, and texted Lin Weiqin: Si Chen just gave me roses.

Two seconds later, the phone rang, and the caller ID-Lin Weiqin.

Tian Yuan answered the phone and Lin Weiqin asked, "You promised him?!"

Tian Yuan was a little frightened and forgot to speak.

Lin Weiqin thought she really agreed, took a deep breath, and said, "Yuanyuan..."

"I didn't agree." Tian Yuan's voice was calm.

Lin Weiqin suffocated.

"I don't like him, why should I agree?"

Lin Weiqin breathed a sigh of relief and was ecstatic: "That's good..."

"Do you like me that much?" she asked.

He paused and said, "Of course."

Tian Yuan thought about what happened before, but did not speak.

Lin Weiqin opened her mouth and didn't dare to ask her whether she liked herself or not.

The two did not speak, only the breathing of each other could be heard.

Tian Yuan broke the silence first: "I'm a little tired, so I will rest first."

"Good." Lin Weiqin's voice was hoarse.

After getting up the next day, Tian Yuan received a text message from Si Chen.

Si Chen said: I have returned to the capital. Don’t worry about what happened last night, it won’t happen again, I know what you mean.

Tian Yuan did not reply.

After a while, he sent another one: Do you like Lin Weiqin?

Tian Yuan looked at those words and replied after a long time: Probably.

She didn't know it herself.


Tian Yuan returned to the capital before the New Year's Day to celebrate the New Year with Tian Orange and Zeng Shuai.

After staying at home for a few days and preparing to return to his residence, Tian Cheng said to her: "Yang Danqi will continue to be in the circle after she is released from prison. If you run into her, be careful so that she won't do anything else."

Tian Yuan was taken aback: "Only three years sentenced?"

Tian Cheng shook his head: "Of course it's more than that, but the sentence is reduced for good performance."

Tian Yuan didn't speak in a daze.

Zeng Shuai gritted his teeth: "Isn't the commutation required to be approved by the above? It is a good thing Lin Lei did! He doesn't help, who dares to criticize? If I knew this would happen, I should pay attention and don't let him interfere!"

Tian Cheng sighed: "Lin Jing is his sister. Even if she is sick, she still has a hard life. Can he not feel bad?"

Besides, Lin Weiqin was shot and refused to marry. It was because of Tian Yuan. Can he not complain in his heart? Naturally, if you can add some blockage to them, add blockage.

Zeng Shuai sneered: "Look at it, the BOSS will definitely beat him!" (to be continued~^~)

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