Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1702: No need to say sorry to me

Tian Cheng held the opposite opinion: "I have a good son! Look at it, say a few words at most!"

After she finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly glanced at Tian Yuan, and she was relieved to see Tian Yuan's expressionless.

Tian Yuan wondered: "What's up with his son?"

"Ahem..." Zeng Shuai choked, looked at her, wondering: Why is she so calm when she mentions Lin Weiqin?

"Forget it." Tian Yuan stood up, "I'll go back first."

"Hey--" Zeng Shuai was taken aback, and was too lazy to say it after thinking about it. He doesn't like Lin Weiqin at all, hum!

After Tian Yuan went back, she checked the information of Cha Lin Weiqin and Lin Lei with her computer.

Among the four major sub-groups of Huanmo Group, Yaoye Electronics managed by Lin Lei is the most profitable. This alone makes Sheng Nanxuan rely on it.

Lin Weiqin's information is a bit vague, she didn't think about it last time, but now, his research seems to involve national defense.

Most of the time, he studied something good for Sheng Yiting, otherwise his mother would not say that.

Tian Yuan was thinking when a short message came from her mobile phone.

After a glance, it was from Lin Weiqin——

[When will we eat together? 】

Tian Yuan replied: I heard that your cousin was released from prison, did you see her?

After a while, he called.

Tian Yuan picked up the phone and heard him say: "Sorry, I only found out two days ago."

"Two days ago?"

"Well, aunt and they come to eat at home."

"There is no need to say sorry to me."

Lin Weiqin paused without speaking.

He was indeed sorry about this, he didn't know in advance. Yang Danqi was originally sentenced to seven years, but now that he was released so early, Lin Lei did not help!

If he had known it, he would definitely not agree.

"I'm tired of eating outside." Tian Yuan said, "Come to my house and make it."

Lin Weiqin was overjoyed: "Okay! Then I will go shopping?"



The latest entertainment report: Yang Danqi, who has disappeared for more than three years, appeared in a commercial event...

At the event, Yang Danqi wore a brand's new clothing, and said that Yan Yan was less energetic than three years ago, but more calm.

After the event, a group of reporters surrounded Yang Danqi and asked--

"Dan Qi, where have you been in the past three years?"

"I heard that you got married and had children, is it true?"

"Why disappeared without a trace in three years?"

Yang Danqi has good parents. Even if Yang Yue and Lin Jing can't compete with the Sheng family, they can still get a lot of benefits by relying on Lin Lei.

At least she got involved in a lawsuit and went to jail. Few people in the circle knew about it. People who knew it didn't spread it out. The media and the public did not even know.

At a young age, if she is willing to reform, of course everyone will not ruin her way out.

So now, she can return smoothly.

Faced with a reporter’s inquiry, she smiled and said: “I went to study abroad and got a master’s degree.”

Everyone naturally didn't believe it, but they didn't think she was going to jail, and they all guessed that she was going to have a baby.

But no matter what everyone asked, she refused to admit it, and insisted that she was studying abroad.

After watching the interview, Tian Yuan turned off the TV, and snorted in her heart: My baby has really gone to school and hasn't said yet. You are embarrassed to say that you go to jail? Better to behave, otherwise...

Yang Yue is not in Stellar Entertainment now, and Yang Danqi is also absent, so Tian Yuan and her have no chance to meet.

That's good, each other's well water does not offend the river.


During the New Year, Tian Yuan stayed at home. She didn't go back to her side until ordinary office workers were about to work. (To be continued~^~)

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