Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1867: He doesn't remember me anymore

Gu Yunhao had bandages on her hands and bandages on her head, which did not look very good.

But he felt nothing. During training, during drills, during arrests... you have suffered a lot of injuries, and you didn't even have time for treatment. Didn't you still survive?

Especially last time, he dragged his half-day to escape, which was much more serious than this.

This time, at least I have been treated in the hospital, so don't be afraid.

He stretched out his hand and patted Bai Shuai's shoulder, and said, "I will work hard in the future. I will get married soon if I feel right. I...may not be your captain in the future, and I may not return to Nanshan again... …"

He turned his head and looked around, and sighed softly: "This place is pretty...very good."

"team leader--"

"Hurry up and go on duty." Gu Yunhao pushed him away and walked into the dormitory.

He didn't have a key, but he hid a spare key under the doormat in front of Sheng Shuangxue's door.

Even if a thief saw the key, he would only think it belonged to Sheng Shuangxue's house, but would not think it was his.

He smiled slightly and took the key to open the door.

After entering the house, he began to change clothes and shoes, took out all the guns and ammunition hidden in the closet, took all the pistols with him, and the submachine gun was packed in a black travel package.

When he went out, he glanced at Sheng Shuangxue’s door, made a slight pause, turned back to the house and tore a piece of note paper, took a pen and wrote a few words on it, took a small magnet from the refrigerator, and stuck the note paper on On her door.

He stepped back, looking at the words on the sticky note, his eyes were hot, he stepped forward and put his forehead against the door, and said dumbly, "I'm sorry..."

Then dropped a kiss gently on the paper.


Late at night, Sheng Nanxuan and Gong Mo returned to the hotel, and Tong Silu stayed in the ward to accompany Sheng Shuangxue.

Sheng Shuangxue tossed and couldn't sleep, Tong Silu got up and turned on the light, walked to her bed, and persuaded, "Go to sleep."

"Where is Guo Xiang?" Sheng Shuangxue looked at her.

She froze for a moment, lowered her eyes and said, "He has gone on a mission."

"What task? Is it related to this matter?"

"I don't know too... I went too quickly."

Sheng Shuangxue sighed: "He must be fine. He has you in his heart, and even the greatest danger will keep him alive. But Yun Hao is different, he doesn't remember me anymore..."

Tong Silu thought for a while and whispered: "That's not necessarily true."

"Huh?" Sheng Shuangxue did not hear clearly.

Tong Silu reached out and touched her face, smiled and said, "Don't worry, go to sleep first."

Sheng Shuangxue hummed and closed her eyes.

In her dream, she dreamed that she had recovered from her injury and returned to work.

A corpse was pushed in front of her and asked her to dissect it.

She put on her clothes, masks and gloves, and uncovered the white cloth, and saw Gu Yunhao's lifeless face.

On his head, there is still white gauze...

Sheng Shuangxue woke up in shock, opened his eyes and saw the sunshine all over the house, and started crying.

"What's wrong?!" Gong Mo said anxiously.

Sheng Shuangxue got up and saw that she and Sheng Nanxuan were both here, but Tong Silu was not there.

She cried against them: "I dreamed that Yun Hao... dreamed that he was dead!"

Sheng Nanxuan was anxious: "He doesn't remember you anymore, why do you still dream of him?"

"Mom!" Sheng Shuangxue shouted, grabbing Gong Mo and said, "I want to change to a father!"

She was so uncomfortable, and he didn't comfort her even if he didn't, but...

"I—" Sheng Nanxuan patted her on the head with anger, "I'm raising you for nothing!"

"Don't bother you two!" Gong Mo said irritably, "Shuangxue, you have to eat first, don't think about it, your dreams have been messy since you were a child, you may have it."

"But I'm so scared..." (to be continued~^~)

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