Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1868: I love you forever

Sheng Nanxuan sighed: "Don't worry, many people will be with him, and he will be fine."

Sheng Shuangxue suddenly looked at him: "What the **** is going on? Why is the person he wants to arrest his ex-girlfriend?"

"Where do I know?"

"You must know!"

"..." He is really his good daughter, who knows her father so well!

Sheng Nanxuan said helplessly: "You know the'Lee Sword Special Operations Commando', right?"

Sheng Shuangxue was surprised: "I know!" Guo Xiang was selected into that team, a special force.

"Gu Yunhao was one of the first fighters of'Lijian'. Before entering Lijian, he had a girlfriend, Liu Qian. Liu Qian is a chemical student and works in a pharmaceutical unit. Five years ago, Gu Yunhao was the leader of'Lijian' , Led a team to assault a drug manufacturing den and was ambushed."

"Because Liu Qian?"

Sheng Nanxuan nodded: "Liu Qian is the drug maker of the drug production group. Gu Yunhao only said that he was going to a mission somewhere, so that she was alert and the entire drug production group was prepared. Gu Yunhao brought benefits. Sword's first batch of 24 soldiers entered, only he himself came out alive..."

Sheng Shuangxue took a deep breath, unable to imagine how painful Gu Yunhao would be when encountering such a thing.

No wonder he said that he hates Liu Qian.

No wonder he said that he didn't want to mention that, it was very uncomfortable.

Can it be uncomfortable?

The comrades who fought together were brothers and close friends, but he watched them die.

Even died because of him.

One can imagine how uncomfortable he has been over the years.

Sheng Nanxuan continued: "After the death of his comrade-in-arms, the "Li Jian" was reorganized on the basis of him, but he did not accept it. He was decadent for a long time. He came to Nanshan four years ago to secretly trace Liu Qian's clue.


Nanshan Police Station.

Lao Yang walked into the office of the Criminal Police Team, and a group of people immediately gathered around: "How is Yun Hao and Shuang Xue?"

Old Yang sighed: "I don't know how to say it. Shuangxue should be fine, but Yun Hao...he must go to catch Liu Qian. He is still injured now, what a fool!"

"Don't Shuangxue stop him?" Xiao Mianmian asked. If Bai Shuai was so nonsense, she would definitely stop him desperately.

Lao Yang sighed again: "He has selective amnesia and doesn't remember Shuangxue at all. How can I stop him?"

Xiao Mianmian stayed for a while: "He forgot about Shuangxue? How could this be done!"

If you forget anyone, you should not forget Shuangxue!

Xiao Mianmian was very angry, feeling like Gu Yunhao betrayed Sheng Shuangxue.

After get off work, she returned to the dormitory and saw a note on the door of Sheng Shuangxue.

Looking closely at the writing on it, her eyes widened.

Didn’t the captain forget about Shuangxue? How could...

She immediately took out her phone, took a picture of the note, and sent it to Sheng Shuangxue.

Sheng Shuangxue was arguing with Sheng Nanxuan in the ward.

She asked: "Can I go to Yun Hao?"

Sheng Nanxuan naturally disagrees: "He is dealing with drug dealers, that kind of people are frantic. Gu Yunhao can protect himself, but what about you?"

"But I am worried about him." Sheng Shuangxue said aggrievedly.

Sheng Nanxuan sneered: "The more you worry about him, the more I hate him! When he comes back, I will never let you marry him!"

Sheng Shuangxue pursed her mouth and said depressed: "Don't worry, he doesn't know your daughter anymore and won't rely on it!"

While talking, the phone rang.

Sheng Shuangxue took a look. It was a text message from Xiao Mianmian——[I saw this picture on your door]]

She was puzzled, clicked on the message, and saw the picture——

There was a note on the door of her dormitory that read: "I love you and will never forget - Gu Yunhao"

There is yesterday's date at the bottom. (To be continued~^~)

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