Sheng Shuangxue trembled, the phone slipped from her hand and burst into tears: "He lied to me—"

Gong Mo picked up the phone and took a look and handed it to Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan took a look and put it down in silence.

"I'm going to find her!" Sheng Shuangxue said anxiously.

"What are you going crazy?" Sheng Nanxuan said, "He pretended not to remember you yesterday, so he just didn't want you to follow!"

"I don't..." Sheng Shuangxue cried up to the sky, "I want to see him..."

She was afraid that if she didn't find him, she would never see him alive again!


In the endless desert, there are endless sand dunes, and several off-road vehicles are chasing them desperately.

The yellow sand fluttered, blurring his vision.

Gu Yunhao was sitting in the co-pilot with a sniper rifle with a headset on his head. There was a rustle of electric current in the earphones, and Gu Lei’s voice: "You retreat! They have nowhere to hide in the desert. We will go with a helicopter. chase!"

Guo Xiang while driving took a look at Gu Yunhao. He was also wearing headphones and heard Gu Lei's words.

He felt that Gu Lei made sense, and asked Gu Yunhao: "Or just—"

Gu Yunhao pulled off the headset and said, "Keep chasing!"

"But the front is very dangerous." The person in the back seat said, "If they drive around like this, it is easy to run into quicksand. And depending on the weather, there may be a tornado. We have to go out before dark."

"Continue!" Gu Yunhao ordered with a calm face.

The others glanced at each other, sighed slightly, and could only move on.

Gu Yunhao looked at the long yellow sand and remembered five years ago.

Five years ago, he took his brothers and comrades into the tomb, now he wants to do it again?

He closed his eyes and said, "Stop."

Guo Xiang glanced at him suspiciously and stopped the car slowly.

Several other cars in the same group also stopped.

Gu Yunhao said: "You change cars, give me this one, and leave me the gun."

"No!" Everyone reacted to what he was going to do, and refused without thinking.

Gu Yunhao said: "You are right, it is dangerous to continue chasing, but I must chase! But I can't take you to adventure."

"What are you doing when you say this?" Guo Xiang said, "We listen to your orders today, and do whatever you say! You chase after you!"

"I told you to go back!" Gu Yunhao looked at him.

Guo Xiang was taken aback, and said, "That's not good! We can't leave our comrades behind!"

"Yes! We can't leave our comrades behind!" said the remaining two.

Gu Yunhao took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead in pain.

Guo Xiang said, "Commander Gu asks you something."

Gu Yunhao was stunned, put on his headset again, and heard Gu Lei yelling: "Are you listening to the order?"

"Will be out, military orders are not acceptable." Gu Yunhao said calmly, and then said in a low voice, "I'm sorry..."

"You come back to me!" Gu Lei roared hoarse, "They can't escape!"

"If I don't keep staring at them, they might escape! Even if they were buried in yellow sand instead of being grasped by me, I would not be reconciled! Dad... blame me for being unfilial."

"Yun Hao." Another voice came.

Gu Yunhao smiled: "Brother, it's fine if you are here. If I can't come back, you and your second brother will respect your parents."

After speaking, he tore off the headset and threw it on the yellow sand.

When a gust of wind blows, the headset is half buried by the sand.

"I'll drive." He said to Guo Xiang, "You go to another car and follow me."

"No--" Guo Xiang refused.

"Follow me and listen to my arrangements!" Gu Yunhao said, "I need you." (To be continued~^~)

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