Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1925: I dreamed of your mother

Two figures ran outside the window. He narrowed his eyes and immediately put down his cup and went out. He saw Fenghuang and a man in his twenties running in tandem.

The man lives opposite, is white, is in college, and runs behind Phoenix's **** all day long.

Gong Bai stood at the door, and after a few minutes, the two of them ran back around the lawn.

Phoenix pretended not to see it. The man thought she hadn't seen it, so he said diligently.

Phoenix had to sweep towards Gong Bai, rolled his eyes, and continued to run forward.

Gong Bai fell to the ground with a thud.

The man was frightened and hurriedly yelled at Phoenix.

Fenghuang turned his head, took a breath, and ran towards Gong Bai in a 100-meter sprint.


Gong Bai is really ill and has a bad cold. It seems that taking a cold bath is very useful.

His head was dizzy and he felt that someone was wiping his body, and he couldn't help reaching out and grabbing that hand.

The other party gently and forcefully broke his hand apart, tucked it back into the quilt, and said in his ear: "eat something."

"Xiaodie..." Gong Bai murmured, thinking he was dreaming, "Xiaodie..."

Is it really her?

A spoonful of porridge was fed into his mouth, he swallowed with difficulty, opened his eyelids and looked at it, and saw Huodie's face carved into his heart.

He asked excitedly: "Xiaodie... are you back? I have been waiting for a long time..."

She looked at him and sneered: "Deserve it!"

He knew she was scolding him, but it was better to scold him than to ignore him.

He smiled comfortingly, closed his eyes heavily, and his mind was chaotic.

When I woke up, I saw the familiar environment, but I felt like a world away, as if I had been asleep for a century.

Phoenix sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him angrily.

He was stunned, and shouted: "Phoenix?"

Phoenix looked at him bitterly: "Obviously you should take care of me, but it turned out to be me taking care of you! If my mother knows, I will regret letting me come to you!"

Gong Bai smiled: "I dreamed of your mother."

Phoenix looked at him suspiciously: "What do you want? I won't take you to worship her!"

"It's okay." He smiled and said, "I am satisfied to dream of her. She is as beautiful as before and treats me very well."

"Are you sure she didn't scold you, beat you, or poison you?!"

"She won't." Gong Bai said, "She is just a tofu heart..."

"Are you sure you know her?"

Gong Bai was silent and said for a long time: "Not sure."

"Heh..." Phoenix sneered.

"I want to be sure too, but... She is no longer there, what can I do? If she is there, let me do anything!" Gong Bai swears.

Phoenix stood up: "When you're done, don't go crazy and cook!"

She turned and walked out of the room, Gong Bai got up slowly, still nodding top-heavy.

After going downstairs, he saw Phoenix sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

Phoenix looked up and said, "I have bought the vegetables, so let's make them!"

"When I was in a daze, it seemed that I ate something delicious, did you make it?" he asked.

"Do you think that's possible?"

"……Not too possible."


Gong Bai walked over and sat not far from her.

She glanced at him and asked defensively: "What are you doing?"

"The David opposite, what do you think?"

"How about what?"

"I think you play with him every day, you should like it?" Gong Bai smiled.

Phoenix glared at him: "How do you like it?"

He nodded: "If you have someone you like, I'm relieved."

(To be continued~^~.)

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