Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1926: Are you interesting like this?

"What do you mean?!" Phoenix shouted.

"I want to find your mother." Gong Bai said.

"What?" Phoenix was blank.

"If you don't tell me where she is buried, I will find it myself." He glanced at her and said lonely with his head down. After a while, he said fiercely: "The big deal I search every cemetery in the world!"

"You are crazy!"

"I have waited for her for so many years, can I not be crazy? Maybe she was blaming me for not looking for her before she died..." Gong Bai leaned back on the sofa, raised his hand to cover his eyes, blindfolded and flashed Tears.

"I found it." He said, "I fell into a demon, drinking blood and killing people, just to find her? I just can't find it. She is good at hiding, she must be secretly laughing at me. But now it's fine, She won't hide, I can always find it... Are you right?"


"I'll leave things to you, so keep your eyes open, whether you like David, Tom, like or dislike... Men are always not reliable by you, don't be fooled by them."

"You want to go?" Phoenix asked, "Really want to go?"

"if not?"

"Are you crazy? How do you find it! With so many cemeteries in this world, living people can classify people of different genders and skin colors at a glance. How do you classify tombstones? Are you going to blind your eyes?"

"Then tell me what to do?!" Gong Bai looked at her and complained, "If you don't take me there, can't you let me find it by myself?"

Phoenix couldn't help laughing: "Are you sure you can find it?"

"Of course not sure." Gong Bai laughed at himself, "I always thought that there was no fire phoenix in this world, and you are the fire butterfly, but...Is it too whimsical?"


Gong Bai looked at her: "You tell me? Are you? If you say no, I believe it, and I will find it all over the world! I don't have a permanent life. If I don't set out now, I may never find it!"

Phoenix was silent for a long time, and asked in a cold voice, "Are you interesting like this?"

"Is it interesting that you stopped me and didn't let me see her?"

Phoenix gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Gong Bai stretched out his hand towards her, froze for a moment and then slowly retracted it.

He gently clenched his hand into a fist and said, "I will go to a lawyer to make a will tomorrow."

Phoenix raised his head, his eyes full of stubbornness: "I care what you do tomorrow! It doesn't matter if you die, as long as you don't starve me now!"

Gong Bai felt a pain in his heart, saying that he was not sad.

He turned and walked towards the kitchen, still unable to convince himself not to care.

If she is Huodie, of course he deserves it. She can torture him as long as she can forgive him.

But if not? It is better not to raise such a daughter...

Gong Bai took out the ingredients to clean, determined to cook Huodie's favorite dish.

Maybe this is the last meal?

He was sure that she must be Fire Butterfly! definitely is……

Gong Bai's hand holding the knife trembled.

The more certain he is, the more uncomfortable he feels.

How much does she hate him before she refuses to recognize him? Would rather say it was his child than...

"Ah--" Phoenix called.

Gong Bai was startled, and hurriedly threw down the knife and ran over. He saw Phoenix lying on the sofa, and a white man came downstairs holding an anesthesia gun.

Gong Bai rushed to Phoenix and helped her up.

She was hit by an anesthesia needle, he stretched out his hand and pulled it out, and asked the man of unknown origin: "Who are you? What are you going to do?!"

(To be continued~^~.)

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