Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1936: Yu Qinghuan Extra-Start

Gong Mo had no choice but to say: "It's good if you are happy. You can see that you are very happy, and you will always be like this."

"Yeah. I'll take her back to see you when I'm free."

Putting down the phone, Gong Bai turned around and kissed Huodie.

Huodie said coquettishly: "I haven't played enough yet, don't go back~"

"Fine! When you want to, we will go."

After Gong Bai finished speaking, his cell phone rang, and it turned out that it was Yu Qinghuan.

He glanced at Huodie, who frowned dissatisfiedly: "I hate her most!"

Gong Bai patted her on the shoulder and said dozingly, "Look at what she is going to say?"

As he said, he pressed the speakerphone, and Yu Qinghuan's hoarse voice came: "Gong Bai..."

"Yeah." Gong Bai felt strange. She didn't talk like this, and couldn't help feeling a little restless.

"Your master has passed away." Yu Qinghuan's voice was crying.

Gong Bai was blank and asked urgently: "What's the matter?!"

"Sudden heart attack...I can't help it." Yu Qinghuan cried, "I forgot, he is old..."

"where are you?"

"You don't use it... I just tell you." Yu Qinghuan's voice was mixed with the wind, "he said, there is no need to do any funerals, the dust will return to the dust, the soil will return to the ground, just feel free. I'm afraid you are thinking about it, so let me know You don’t have to miss us anymore."

"you guys?"

"No one is with me..." Yu Qinghuan cried, "I don't want to go back to find any of you... Tell Nan Xuan, if there is an afterlife, I will protect him..."

Her broken crying blurred the words, and she hung up the phone with the whirring wind.


On a high mountain by the sea, Yu Qinghuan knelt down on the ground, hugging Old K's body.

She dropped her hand and the phone slipped off.

Old K closed his eyes, his face was peaceful, and his hair and beards were trembling constantly.

Yu Qinghuan lowered his head, tears falling on his face: "Thank you... for being with me for so many years..."

She put him down, took off her coat and covered him.

The strong wind on the top of the mountain made her red dress fly up, and she walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped down--

With a puff, she sank into the sea and was swept away by the turbulent undercurrent.

She opened her eyes and tried to swim forward.

She simply didn't know how she could die!

She has lived enough for a long time, and she doesn't want to live like a monster!

She hopes to live an ordinary life, with a man who loves each other, lovely children, and grow old naturally when she gets old...

However, this is extremely luxurious for her.

Where can the sea take her to? Can it be taken to another world?

She knew she could not. She tried, she sank to the bottom of the sea, and finally woke up on the beach...

She stretched out her hand, slashed her fingernail on her wrist, and the blood slowly drifted away. She swims forward, melting her blood into the entire sea.

I don't know how long it took to swim, but a huge shark swam towards her face, and she couldn't help smiling.

At the moment she approached the shark, she sank down without strength...

She thought happily: Can you die this time? Can you be relieved?


Yu Qinghuan opened his eyes and didn't know what Xi was today.

There was a white ceiling in front of her. There was a high-wattage ceiling lamp on the ceiling. The light pierced her so that she couldn't open her eyes.

This scene is very strange, but there is a touch of familiarity.

She should have seen it somewhere, in a distant memory.

No... why didn't she die?

She really doesn't want to live anymore! Why do you want to torture her like this? What did she do wrong? !

Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and kept touching her hands, gently wiping them away.

(To be continued~^~.)

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