She looked over and saw a strange and familiar face, and her brain instantly crashed.

"Now that you are crying?" the man smiled evilly.

"Sheng Zhongtian!" Yu Qinghuan shouted angrily, the memories in his mind flooded, and everything in front of him was no longer strange.

This is a nightmare buried in her heart, she will never forget it for a lifetime, let alone think of it!

She pushed Sheng Zhongtian away and got up, looking at everything around her.

This is the underground laboratory of Shengshi Medicine, and the person in front of him is Sheng Zhongtian when he was young.

How could this be? How could you dream of that time? !

Sheng Zhongtian came over, reached out his hand to pinch her chin, raised her face to meet him.

Yu Qinghuan looked at him, her body trembling slightly, wishing to cut him a thousand times.

He lowered his head and breathed ambiguously on her lips, their lips were no more than a few centimeters apart.

He said evilly: "Is there any strength to resist now? It doesn't matter, I won't have it in a moment, I will let you cry and beg me."

Yu Qinghuan trembled and remembered!

It's that time!

that time!

She was drugged, she couldn't exert her strength, so she could only let him ruin herself soberly!

Later, he often did this. She was locked up for experiments every day and was bullied by him...

Liu Xuelan didn't know about it until she became pregnant. Since then, she has escaped Sheng Zhongtian's clutches, but Liu Xuelan has tortured her even harder on the experimental platform, even the child in her stomach.

Feeling Sheng Zhongtian pressing on her body, she used all her strength to push him away, rolled out of the bed and ran outside.

He hasn't succeeded yet, she is still clean and innocent, and she still has a chance to reject the upcoming destiny!

She has to escape!

No matter what, she wants to fight!

Even if this is a dream, don't do it again, don't be ruined by this disgusting man, don't become a monster in the laboratory!

Yu Qinghuan rushed to the door, opened the door and ran out.

The weather in Shengzhong chased after her anxiously, and pulled her sleeve: "Where are you going? Do you think you can run away?!"

Yu Qinghuan looked at him, her body trembling because of fear.

She can't run away.

She knew that she would soon lose all her strength and let him do whatever she wanted. But all her senses are there, and she can really feel how he tortured herself.

She don't want that! She must escape! Don't experience such a terrible thing again!

She looked at him bitterly, gritted her teeth and thought: I am different now! No one is my opponent!

With a flick of her sleeve, she staggered into his arms.

Sheng Zhongtian laughed: "So you like this?"

Yu Qinghuan's face changed drastically.

what happened? Why can't I work hard? It shouldn't... Even if you are drugged, you can't get it out with a little effort, right?

do not care! Run first!

Since she couldn't fight, she had to run away.

She staggered and ran forward through the corridor. With the loss of physical strength, the scene in front of her looked like a painting that had long since disappeared, which appeared in her mind from scratch.

All of this is familiar and strange to her-strange because it has been missing for decades, and familiar because it exists in her mind.

She still remembers the sins suffered here, the fate of being changed here...

After running for a while, she stopped weakly and looked back. Sheng Zhongtian came slowly, with a playful and evil smile on her face, as if she was looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

She gritted her teeth and continued on.

(To be continued~^~.)

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