When she reached a fork, she stopped and looked at the lighted corridor, not knowing where to go.

By the way, where is the exit?

She was a little impressed, she had to escape along that road...

"Roar—" a roar came.

Sheng Zhongtian stopped behind him and shouted to her, "Come here! The beast is crazy, you will die in the past, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Yu Qinghuan looked back at her, smiled coldly, turned around and ran in the direction where the sound came from.

She is not afraid of death, she is afraid that she will not die.

When she ran to the end, she saw a laboratory, with roars coming from inside, like a beast.

Yu Qinghuan looked back and saw Sheng Zhongtian rushing over quickly and immediately rushed in.

There was a mess in the laboratory, and a group of people in white coats shouted: "Close the door! Close the door!"

Yu Qinghuan took a look-an iron gate slowly closed in front, and a figure quickly flew out of it.

She saw the electronic lock on the door and knew that the door would be locked as soon as it was closed.

She immediately squeezed in through the gap, and hit the person inside as soon as she entered, then bounced back and fell on the door.

With a click, the door closed behind.

Sheng Zhongtian's roar came: "Let her out!"

She knew she was talking about herself, and she was so scared to hide, for fear of being caught by him and wantonly insulting.

"No!" A nervous voice came from outside, "Number 1 is crazy and can't open the door! Very dangerous!"

When Yu Qinghuan heard this, she turned her head abruptly and looked at the person behind whom she had just hit.

She sat on the ground and looked up and saw that the other person was particularly tall.

He stood in front of her, looking down at her;

His hair was a bit long, covering half of his face, she saw his eyes hidden behind the hair, as translucent as poison, shining with sinister light;

He didn't wear any clothes, and only a pair of torn shorts was on his lower body. His limbs were chained to the wall, and the green veins under his skin were exposed, and heat came out of his body repeatedly.

"Why is he quiet?" The people outside asked anxiously, "Did you... succeeded?"

"Oh--" The man suddenly became angry, raised his head and roared outside, clenched his fists and tugged his hands severely—

With a click, the iron chain holding him fell off the wall, he jumped onto the wall and slammed the door with his fist.

He was like a mad beast, Yu Qinghuan found that his body was unable to exert any strength, and worried that he would hurt him, so scared to retreat, but did not even have the strength to retreat.

She lay on the ground, looking at him.

He smashed the door a few times and it came loose. He grabbed the doorknob, pulled the door open, and jumped out.

A horrified cry came from outside: "Quick! Anesthesia needle! Maximum dose!"

"No! It's useless!"

"Go! Go!"

"But that woman—"

"Leave her alone! Run!"



There was a sound of iron doors falling, followed by banging doors.

After about half an hour, the sound stopped.

Yu Qinghuan felt the strength in his body slowly recovering.

This medicine does not last long, but Sheng Zhongtian uses it happily every time. As soon as the effect of the medicine was over, he ruined her almost, even without the medicine, her physical discomfort made her own strength a lot less. At that time, the more she resisted, the more aroused his sexual interest.

metamorphosis! Yu Qinghuan gritted his teeth. Today she escaped a catastrophe, if there is a chance, he will definitely make him dead.

(To be continued~^~.)

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