The two immediately retreated, closed the door, and then looked at each other.

It seems that the scent that I just smelled is largely from the toilet.

Sheng Ling gritted his teeth and resolutely walked to the door to meditate, which was the farthest place from the bed.

Yu Qinghuan took a look and went back to bed, pulling up the quilt and covering his nose.

But in this case, it is impossible to fall asleep.

Gradually, she felt her body soften and her mind became a little drunk. Others are not obvious, the rumor is that the feeling of *** will burn the body... not.

Could it be that this is a simple anesthetic?

Just when she thought about it, she suddenly felt a heavy burden on her body. I raised my eyes and saw Sheng Lingren sitting over, placing his hands on her side, leaning down and looking at her.

Almost his upper body was pressed against her, his face flushed and his eyes blurred.

Yu Qinghuan asked: "Are you okay?"

He took a deep breath, and said in a rough voice: "It's all right if you don't want to bully you..."

Yu Qinghuan was dumbfounded: "What do you mean?"

"I can't control myself..." Sheng Lingren said with difficulty, "How can they do such an indiscriminate experiment?!"

Yu Qinghuan suddenly understood that this medicine seemed to be useless for women, but very useful for men.

She looked at the monitor on the ceiling and said firmly: "I don't want it!"

Sheng Lingren took a look and gasped, "Don't worry, I don't want others to look at my wife's body."

"..." Who is her wife?

"Sheng, Zhong, Tian..." He gritted his teeth, "I will definitely go out alive and let you have a lifetime nightmare!"

Yu Qinghuan sneered: "If you go out alive, don't let him have a chance to dream."

Sheng Lingren looked at her, "Okay, you have the final say."

Yu Qinghuan was taken aback. His tone seemed to listen to her in everything, which made her not used to it.

She looked at the monitor and bit her lip.

Sheng Lingren got up: "I'll try—"

"Don't bother!" She immediately stretched out her hand to hold him, and looked at him with full eyes.

He paused, realizing that she didn't want him to expose his body's potential.

He thought for a while, pulled the quilt away from her and got in, then wrapped the two of them tightly.

When Yu Qinghuan was touched by him, he found that he was also affected by these medicines, and soon turned into a pool of spring water.


After the end, Sheng Lingren held Yu Qinghuanlou in his arms, and the two shook hands under the quilt.

He wrote in the palm of her hand: What do they do for you?

Yu Qinghuan thought for a while and wrote back: I don't know.

She took out her hand and stroked her hair, probably knowing what it was for. Combined with the experience in the previous life, it is obvious that Liu Xuelan wants to make her pregnant again and experiment with her.

But this time, she would never allow her children to suffer.

At this moment, Liu Xuelan's voice came suddenly: "Give you five minutes to sort out, and the monitoring will be turned off."

The two of them were surprised and looked up to the ceiling and found a small decoration in the corner, which should be a broadcast.

Sheng Lingren sat up, carefully covered her with the quilt, and said, "It's still business as usual. Who knows if what they said is true or not? Let's talk about--"

He lowered his voice: "Even if the monitoring is off, it will definitely continue to monitor."

Yu Qinghuan nodded and sat up with his help.

His eyes darkened, he lowered his head and said in her ear: "I'm sorry..."

Yu Qinghuan froze, lowered his head and said: "It's not you who is wrong. I think if we meet outside, it must be a beautiful encounter."

(To be continued~^~.)

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