She was right. Sheng Ling wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words, and hummed after a long time.

As soon as the two got dressed, the door was opened, and Liu Xuelan rushed in with someone.

Two of them immediately went to catch Yu Qinghuan, and Yu Qinghuan shouted in horror: "Ling Ren!"

Everyone separated them and dragged her out.

"What are you doing?!" Sheng Lingren rushed up angrily, trying to stop her.

Someone nearby hit him on the neck with an electric baton, and he fainted.

Yu Qinghuan was shocked-did they use electric shocks? ! If Shengling people don't resist the electric shock, wouldn't they never have a chance to escape?

Liu Xuelan sneered and walked to her, "Let's go."

Yu Qinghuan glared at her fiercely, then turned and walked out.

She clenched her fists and prayed secretly: If you can't escape before the child is born, then...just like in the previous life. Let her turn into a copper wall and an iron wall, and then come back to save Nan Xuan and kill these perverts!

Of course, she still hopes that she will be a little lucky in this life and not let Nan Xuan be born in this **** again.

Yu Qinghuan cried sadly thinking of the child.

Soon, she was taken into the new room.

Here, she was detained for almost a week and had many checks.

Fortunately, this time she didn't inject drugs or conduct various experiments.

A few days later, she was taken back again.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw Sheng Lingren lying on the bed, her limbs being chained.

"Ling Ren!" Yu Qinghuan rushed over and saw that his body was full of scars, tremblingly stretched out his hand and grabbed his shoulder, "Are you all right? How could this be?"

Sheng Lingren panted and looked at her, her pupils a little dizzy, obviously lacking energy and energy.

He said intermittently: "I'm fine...what about you? What did they do to you?"

"Did some simple checks, I don't know what they are going to do. You...what's wrong with you? What experiment did they do for you?" Yu Qinghuan was worried.

She pinned all her hopes on him, and if he was abandoned, she would not want to go out!

Sheng Ling said: "I don't know...I fainted, as if I had an electric shock."

"Then you rest." Yu Qinghuan gently held his hand, and stroked the back of his hand with his fingers.

He felt a lot more comfortable, and asked in a daze, "Where do you sleep at night?"

"Don't worry about me, I just squeeze by the side, you go to bed first."

"Hmm..." Sheng Lingren quickly passed out.

Yu Qinghuan began to think about whether the experiments she had received in her last life could be applied to Sheng Lingren.

It is a pity that her last change is after more than 20 years of continuous transformation, and it will definitely not be able to be applied to Sheng Lingren in the short term.

Moreover, she would be transformed into that in the end, the people in the laboratory didn't know it at first. Too many experiments, the final result is too far from the original idea. She is just the result of various "accidents".

Like Sheng Lingren's current situation—injecting drugs and cooperating with electric shocks—may cause permanent and irreversible "changes" to certain parts of his body.

For example, he has become infinite, aggressive, and destructive because of drugs, and may be with him forever.

If they obtain this "ability" while escaping, it is also a good thing, and it can greatly increase their escape success rate.

but if……

Before escaping, he was completely abolished by the experiment?

(To be continued~^~.)

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