Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2008: I will also lose control

He said: "The child is innocent. Just leave him for his life and send him to the orphanage. In the future, I will arrange for a person to pay attention to his movements. Don't let him go the wrong way. He will live a mediocre life. trouble."

Yu Qinghuan nodded.

Sheng Dongzhu was still a child in this life, and he had never done any evil. It was a bit too much to kill him directly. This arrangement is very good. It has influenced his life and made him live at the bottom of the society for his entire life.

"What if you lose control?" she asked.

"Then I will lose control." Sheng Lingren smiled softly.

Yu Qing laughed: "I really like you like this!"

When Sheng Ling heard this, he was excited and grabbed her hand: "Are you confession?"

Yu Qinghuan stared at him amusedly: "I mean I like your way of doing things-hot enough!"

Would she not understand what he meant?

Sheng Dongbi has grown up. If there is a little bit of revenge, or there is a sign of harm to them, Sheng Lingren will definitely let him die!

The demon crawling out of hell, she didn't doubt his methods at all. He is just being gentle to her now. If she is disobedient, he will be rude to her.

"Don't like anything else?" Sheng Lingren asked.

Yu Qinghuan withdrew his hand and looked at the stage: "It's time to watch the show!"

Sheng Lingren leaned over, put his hand around her waist, and kissed her on the cheek.


When Yu Qinghuan came home, everyone in the family was in the living room, chatting.

She smiled and asked: "What are you doing, meeting?"

"Isn't it about the Chinese New Year? There are many things to discuss." Wu Surong asked concerned, "have you eaten yet?"

"Eat." Yu Qinghuan found a seat and sat down.

Yu Zhengming asked: "When will Shengling people return to Nanjiang?"

"How did I know? He didn't tell me." She bent over and grabbed the seeds.

Yu Zhengming was choked, but this answer made him very satisfied.

It seems that the relationship between two people is just ordinary friends...

Yu Qingliu's eyes swept towards Yu Qinghuan like fiery eyes: "Don't you take off your jacket when you enter the house?"

Yu Qinghuan moved for a while, put down the seeds and stood up: "I'm going upstairs!"

Min Ling exclaimed: "Wait!" She picked up a book, a catalog from the clothing store, "Come and see what you like so that the tailor can do it."

Yu Qinghuan walked to her, bent over and flipped through two pages, all in the style of a dress, and asked, "What are you doing with this?"

"There have been many banquets recently, do you always have to attend?" Wu Surong said.

"There are shoes--" Min Ling picked up another picture album.

"Do you want more?" Yu Qinghuan asked.

"Mine is ready."

"Then I will get back to the room and choose slowly." She held both books in her arms.

Turning to leave, Yu Zhengming stopped her again: "I will go to a dinner with me tomorrow and introduce you to a young talent."

"Blind date?" Yu Qinghuan looked at him.

"It doesn't have to be a blind date, just make friends if you don't like it."

"Don't go!"

"Hey?" Yu Zhengming was surprised. "Didn't you tell me about the blind date last time? Why didn't you go?"

"You told me that I just refused!" Yu Qinghuan smiled mischievously, and went upstairs holding the picture album.

"You--" Yu Zhengming shouted, "You stop me!"

Yu Qinghuan stopped on the stairs and asked back: "Why, you think I eat rice at home? Drive me out in such a hurry!"

(To be continued~^~.)

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