Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2009: Here comes the heartbeat

"Who thinks about you? When you are old, shouldn't you think about these things!" Wu Surong said.

Yu Qinghuan frowned: "I'm young, what's the rush?"

"You stay at home all the time, aren't we worried? I want you to make more friends!" Yu Zhengming said.

"How can I stay at home all day? Didn't I just go out today?" Yu Qinghuan was a little dissatisfied.

"You..." Everyone was choked into speech.

She turned upstairs and said coldly: "You don't care about me, I have my own measures!"

Everyone looked at each other, and a moment later, there was a sound of closing doors.

Under normal circumstances, her room is closed and the door cannot be heard here.

Yu Qingping said: "Are you angry?"

Min Ling said: "I can see that Huan has been lazy recently. It may be because of her physical discomfort, so she naturally refuses to go out to socialize."

"She is very active when she goes out with that Sheng Lingren!" Yu Zhengming said angrily, "I think she is just fond of that bastard!"

Yu Qingliu grabbed the melon seeds and chanted: "To be fair, Sheng Ling's looks and temperament are good, and if my sister treats her differently, it would be excusable."

Yu Zhengming looked at him suddenly: "You came from Nanjiang with them, did you find anything unusual?"

Yu Qingliu's eyes widened: "What abnormality can I find? They were running for their lives at that time, OK? Don't listen to the wind but the rain, my sister is bothered to death by you!"

"Annoying? Do you know how worried we are about her?!"

"I know..." Yu Qingliu stood up, "I'm going to read, I won't tell you anymore."

"You--" Yu Zhengming's eyes widened, "You are not obedient!"

Yu Qingliu sighed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also wrong? "

"Okay, let's go." Yu Qingping said, turning to persuade Yu Zhengming, "Dad, don't worry. The more you do this, the less happy Qinghuan will be. Maybe it was originally boring to Shengling, but for purpose If you are against us, you have to make a fuss."

Wu Surong sighed: "I always panic in my heart, I always feel that she is hiding something from me!"

Yu Zhengming frowned for a while, and said to Yu Qingliu: "Okay, go read a book!"

Yu Qingliu curled his lips, walked upstairs quickly, and heard Wu Surong say: "Would you like not to look again? If they go in private again, they should talk to Qinghuan. This Sheng Lingren, if these things have not happened to the Sheng family , It’s fine if he hasn’t experienced this, now he definitely can’t!”

Yu Qingliu walked to the door of Yu Qinghuan and knocked on the door.

Two minutes later, the door was opened, and Yu Qinghuan was standing inside wearing a long gray pullover sweater.

The sweater is very loose, and the bulge of her lower abdomen is almost invisible.

Yu Qingliu glanced at her stomach and stretched out his hand: "Sister, give me your hand."

Yu Qinghuan stretched out his hand in doubt. She has slender fingers and white skin, like jade.

Yu Qingliu directly stopped her pulse, she was slightly surprised, and then recovered calmly.

After a while, Yu Qingliu frowned, and she smiled and asked: "What? Bringing the heartbeat?"

"You still said it!" Yu Qingliu let her go, pushed her into the room, closed the door and asked in a low voice, "How many months have been this, are you still hiding?"

"Did you really come out?" Yu Qinghuan was surprised, "When did you learn Chinese medicine?"

"Just learned."

"You can learn it only. The 250's Xueba is different."

"I'm 245!"

"Aren't you rounding up to 250?"

"Why don't you round 89 to 90? That is the difference between mentally retarded and normal people!"

(To be continued~^~.)

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