Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2010: You don't want to get rid of it

"Go away!" Yu Qinghuan pushed him away, "I'm going to sleep!"

"You--" Yu Qingliu was furious, "Are you still hiding it? My parents don't look down on Sheng Lingren at all, you still like this—"

Yu Qinghuan hooked his fingers at him, and he frowned and leaned over.

She grabbed his ears, he screamed in pain, and shouted: "Let go! Yu Qinghuan-you poisonous woman!"

"Little brother~" Yu Qinghuan said in his ear sweetly, "I remind you~ You'd better pretend you don’t know, and wait for me to solve this problem myself, otherwise I will tell my parents and eldest brother that you have already I know what happened to Sheng Ling and I, and see if they will kill you!"

Yu Qingliu shivered: "Please forgive me, I will definitely not say, don't you betray me again then!"

"Who is willing to betray you?" Yu Qinghuan let go of him.

He rubbed his ears and asked, "Then how do you solve it?"

After a pause, he was shocked: "You don't want to get rid of it?!"

"Aren't you a medical student? I would have beaten it a long time ago. I have to wait till now?"

Yu Qingliu pondered for a while, staring at her stomach: "Then you have a good rest." After speaking, he turned and went out.

Yu Qinghuan went out and took a look and saw that he was downstairs, but he didn't take it seriously.

Back in the room, she picked up the phone beside the bed.

She had just been on the phone with Sheng Lingren. As soon as she got through Yu Qingliu, she didn't hang up.

She said, "It's my brother, who just gave me a lower pulse, and a happy pulse."

Sheng Ling had already heard their conversation, and smiled: "He also cares about you. He seems to love your sister very much."

"Yeah... Only he and You Bai went to Nanjiang to find me in person. Even if they have more time, I am grateful to them."


When Yu Qingliu came downstairs, he happened to run into Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong going upstairs.

Yu Zhengming asked: "Where are you going?"

"If something happens, go out!"

"Where are you going so late?" Wu Surong asked.

"Why is it late at eight o'clock? I'll be back in a while." Yu Qingliu said, striding out the door.

"Somehow, tell me where you are going!" Wu Surong shouted.

But Yu Qingliu runs fast, where is his shadow?

Wu Surong said irritably: "One by one, I can't control it anymore!"


Yu Qingliu went to find the driver who was driving Yu Qinghuan and asked, "Where does Sheng Ling live?"

"Second, second master, what are you going to do?" the driver asked nervously.

"Send me there, I have something to do with him!"


"Give me the car key if you don't give it, and I will drive it myself!" Yu Qingliu said angrily.

The second young master doesn't have a driver's license, so who dares to let him open it himself?

The driver immediately said: "Second Young Master, please get in the car!"

After half an hour, Yu Qingliu arrived at the hotel where Sheng Ling was staying.

He rushed to the front desk and said to the lady on duty, "Help me find out where Sheng Lingren lives!"

The beauty replied solemnly: "Sorry, this is customer privacy, we can't—"

"Do you know who I am?" Yu Qingliu pointed to himself, "Do you believe it or not I will let you lose your job!"

"Who are you?" The beauty frowned and widened. "Do you believe me or not?"

"Oh?" Yu Qingliu raised his sleeves, "you dare to threaten me?"

The handsome guy next to them glanced at them and picked up the phone secretly.

Yu Qingliu pointed at him: "What are you doing?! What are you going to do?"

The security guard at the door rushed in and asked urgently: "What's the matter? This gentleman..."

(To be continued~^~.)

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