Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2011: I love her too late

Yu Qingliu helped his forehead: "Okay, I'm Yu Qingliu, my surname is Yu!"

In his own hotel, he can't go wild anymore?

Everyone was startled, a little scared, and looked at him suspiciously after a while, obviously questioning what he said.

Yu Qingliu grinned stiffly and said: "Let me examine your work attitude. Yes, they are all good. Okay, give me Sheng Lingren's room number."

How dare you believe him, the two front desks bowed their heads and discussed: "Who is this from the Yu family?"

"It depends on the age of the young master."

"Have you seen what the young master looks like?"

"I haven't seen it..."

"What if it's true?"

"Why don't you go with him?"

"Good!" The beauty clapped her hands, "You are a man, you go!"

The handsome guy had to raise his head and smile at Yu Qingliu: "Mr. Yu, please follow me."

Yu Qingliu snorted, and walked to the elevator proudly.

Walking outside a room, the handsome guy rang the doorbell, and there was a quick response inside: "Who?"

"Hello Mr. Sheng, I am a hotel staff member, someone is looking for it."

Sheng Lingren in the room squinted his eyes and opened the door after hanging up the chain. He saw Yu Qingliu through the crack of the door.

He was stunned, hurriedly removed the chain and opened the door wide.

The handsome guy pointed to Yu Qingliu and asked him: "Mr. Sheng, do you know this gentleman?"

"Yes." Sheng Lingren smiled at him, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"You are polite, I wish you two happy." The handsome guy turned around and let out a sigh of relief.

Sheng Lingren looked at Yu Qingliu and thought of what Yu Qinghuan had just said on the phone. He probably knew what he was doing.

He reached out and rubbed his cheek, "Qingliu, you—"

Yu Qingliu suddenly pushed him and pushed him into the room, then walked in and slammed the door, punched him, just hit the place where he just rubbed his face.

With a bang, Sheng Lingren took two steps backwards and hit the closet.

"Qingliu——" Sheng Lingren shouted, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? You impregnated my sister, why did you ask me?!" Yu Qingliu was furious, and rushed to hold him down.

Sheng Lingren turned his head and avoided, Yu Qingliu punched him on the chin.

Sheng Lingren dare not fight back.

This is Yu Qinghuan's younger brother.

Yu Qingliu hit harder and harder, Sheng Lingren felt that his face was about to be swollen, stretched out his hand to twist his arm, cut it back behind him, and yelled: "You don't know if you hit someone or not?!"


Sheng Ling took a look and hurriedly let go.

Yu Qingliu clutched his arms and jumped away, looking at him in horror.

Sheng Ling knew that he was strong, and thought he really broke his arm, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"Don't come over!" Yu Qingliu hid back, "You...you are so violent, did you force my sister? I tell you, I will not let you hurt my sister again!"

Sheng Ling had a black line: "It's too late to love her, so how can I hurt her?!"

"You made him pregnant. Isn't it hurt?"

"I... was in a special situation at the time. Someone insisted on her--" Sheng Lingren paused, not wanting to tell him the details, turned and walked into the bathroom, and took out a towel.

He opened the ice bucket in the wine cabinet, took a few ice packs, and pressed them on his chin.

(To be continued~^~.)

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