Half a month later, Yu Qingliu's internship application was approved. He went back to the capital, and Wu Surong also went back with him.

When he came from the capital, Wu Youbai was accompanied by another.

Wu Youbai came to inspect the Wu family's properties in Nanjiang, including the former Shengshi Medicine. Of course, it is no longer called Shengshi Medicine, it is only a small part of Wu's.

When the two got off the plane in the evening, Sheng Lingren and Yu Qinghuan went to the kindergarten to pick up Sheng Nanxuan, then went to the airport to pick them up, and then went to dinner together.

Going home after dinner, it is already dark.

Sheng Ling drove, Yu Qinghuan sat in the co-pilot, and Yu Qingliu and Wu Youbai sat behind with Sheng Nanxuan.

Passing through a narrow alley, suddenly a person came out from the side when turning and fell onto the road with a thud.

Sheng Lingren hurriedly stepped on the brakes and turned around and asked Yu Qinghuan for the first time: "Are you okay?"

Yu Qinghuan shook his head and stretched out his hand to stroke his chest, a little frightened.

"I'll take a look." Sheng Lingren said.

"Don't go!" Yu Qinghuan grabbed him.


"Be careful he ruined you."


Yu Qinghuan suddenly remembered that there seems to be nothing in this era. She let go of him: "Go."

"I'll go too!" Yu Qingliu followed and got out of the car.

When Wu Youbai saw Sheng Nanxuan, he said, "You are in the car." He got out of the car as well.

Sheng Nanxuan looked at Yu Qinghuan: "Mom?"

Yu Qinghuan took off the seat belt, got out of the car and picked him up and walked towards the men.

After approaching, I saw a man lying on the ground with a lot of blood on his head.

She hurriedly reached out and covered Sheng Nanxuan's eyes: "Don't look!"

Sheng Lingren didn't want her to look either, stood up and stood in front of her: "Why did you come down?"

"You are all down, I am scared in the car alone."

"..." is really an excellent reason.

Yu Qinghuan asked: "You didn't hit him, did you?"


Suddenly, Yu Qingliu's voice came: "It's a gunshot wound."

The two of them were shocked and hurriedly looked over and saw that he turned the people on the ground over and stripped away each other's clothes.

The man's chest had a large area of ​​cold hair and his skin was fair, and he did not seem to be Asian.

Before Yu Qinghuan could take a closer look, he saw a blood hole near the heart, gurgling blood.

"Mom..." Sheng Nanxuan writhed in her arms, craned her neck to see what happened.

How dare Yu Qinghuan let him watch such a terrible scene? She hurriedly called Sheng Lingren, and Sheng Lingren hugged Sheng Nanxuan over and pressed his head in her arms.

Yu Qingliu checked that person and said, "I guess I won't survive..."

"Call an ambulance first." Yu Qinghuan said.

"There is a convenience store in front and you can call a public phone." As soon as Sheng Lingren's voice fell, he suddenly heard countless footsteps running towards this side.

Wu Youbai hurriedly pulled Yu Qingliu up to his feet, stepped back two steps, some distance from the person on the ground.

A few seconds later, a group of shirtless, tattooed men ran out of the corner.

Those people probably didn't expect to meet people, and they were all taken aback when they saw them standing here.

After a few sudden noises, a car stopped at the corner, a tall bald head came down from above, and walked with a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his head.

Seeing Sheng Lingren, he paused, then walked over with a smile and looked at the person who was shot on the ground.

He winked behind him, and several men ran up, took a look at the people on the ground, tried to snort again, and said, "There is still breath."

(To be continued~^~)

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