"Hurry up to the hospital!" said the bald head, "call him to redeem him!"

The group lifted them up, and Yu Qinghuan was shocked when he saw the face of the man on the ground.

Gan, Bi, Nuo!

She stared at it carefully, but the bald-headed subordinate quickly resisted the person away, and half of the person's face was covered with blood, she was not sure if it was Gambino!

However, in the last life, Sheng Nanxuan escaped from the laboratory when he was five years old, and Gambino also escaped, so he must have come to Nanjiang before. Now this time period is reasonable.

And the person just now is obviously a foreigner, this is also true!

The bald head walked over and looked at Sheng Lingren contemptuously: "Who I thought it was, it turned out to be President Sheng. How did you think about the business I discussed with you last time?"

"Not interested." Sheng Lingren said.

The bald expression changed, he looked viciously at Yu Qinghuan and the child in his arms, and threatened: "Don't toast or eat fine wine!"

"I should have said this to you." Sheng Lingren swept at him indifferently, "I don't want to do your business, so don't do it. Let's be in peace. If you force me, I'm afraid it will cause fire. "

"Heh..." The bald head sneered, "You threatened me? Ever since I've been on the road, I haven't been threatened by anyone."

He pointed to the back: "Did you see the foreign devil just now? The heir to the Italian Mafia, dare to ask me for a price, I still dare to feed him bullets! Do you think you are the eldest?"

Sheng Lingren glanced at him with contempt, turned around holding Sheng Nanxuan, and said to Yu Qinghuan and the others: "Go home."

Xiong Tie narrowed his eyes, spit on the ground suddenly, and roared: "Give me all of them! The woman pulled my car up!"

His men immediately rushed towards Sheng Lingren.

At the same time, Sheng Lingren stuffed Sheng Nanxuan into Yu Qinghuan's arms, turned around and kicked Xiong Tie.

Xiong Tie was kicked all at once, and the friends of both enemies and friends were shocked.

"Huh?" Sheng Nanxuan looked at him in surprise.

Yu Qinghuan covered his eyes and turned to the car.

Yu Qingliu and Wu Youbai wanted to go up to help, Sheng Lingren stepped forward a few steps in the air, flew down in front of Xiong Tie, and stepped heavily on Xiong Tie's chest.

He turned around and said, "I don't need to help, go and guard Qinghuan!"

The two stunned for a moment, and when they saw someone running toward the car, they immediately fell back.

"Ahem..." Xiong Tie lay on the ground, looking at Sheng Lingren incredulously-he could actually fight? !

Sheng Lingren slammed his chest with the soles of his feet: "You are an underground gang, you want to challenge me?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" The people nearby did not know where they drew the watermelon knife, shouting and rushing towards Sheng Lingren.

Sheng Lingren kicked Xiong Tie away, and Xiong Tie's two-hundred-jin body flew away like a rag doll and directly hit the wall.

Sheng Lingren turned and kicked horizontally, and all the people who rushed were kicked away by him, and the watermelon knife fell to the ground.

He kicked a watermelon knife and held it in his hand, coldly looking in the direction of his car-there were a few people there who wanted to get close to Yu Qinghuan.

"Stay away from her," he said coldly. "Don't let me say it a second time."

The people around were shocked, and no one dared to move for a while.

Xiong Tie got up from the ground, and his two men immediately went up to support him.

He pushed the person away, spat out blood on the ground, and cursed: "What are you doing while standing?! Kill him for me!"

After listening, everyone rushed towards Shengling.

(To be continued~^~)

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