Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 803: Why are you embarrassed to make such a request?

"Why are you coming out?" Zeng Shuai asked.

"I..." Cindy pursed her lips. "I want to do something for Emilia. Only when I come out can I have a chance."

Zeng Shuai smiled: "I think you did it."

Cindy was taken aback and looked at him puzzled.

He said: "Since you participated in the "Sound of Heaven" and sang a few anti-war songs, more and more people are now paying attention to the war in Emilia. In the past two months, charity organizations have received Miria’s fundraising has also increased more than ten times than before. This is only the situation in China. When you become popular in China in the future, the whole world will pay attention."

Cindy became excited.

"However, your identity may cause trouble."

These words were like a basin of cold water pouring on Cindy's head, and Cindy looked at him nervously.

"So I came here to help you legalize your identity."

Although most of the refugees in Emilia live in Shantagama, some people live in other cities in China because of money or work, just like expatriates.

Cindy was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect Zeng Shuai to call her for this purpose. For her, it's a good thing.

The two communicated the relevant situation, and Cindy naturally also said his real name. But regarding her true identity, she hesitated for a moment and did not say.

After talking about this, she left the office, suddenly remembering what she hadn’t asked Sheng Nanxuan about, and suddenly turned around——

"That one……"

"Huh?" Because he was already off work, Zeng Shuai also came out, closed the door, and saw Wen Yingying sitting on the sofa outside. He couldn't help but smile, "Let's eat together."

Wen Yingying smiled and walked towards him: "Okay."

She stood beside him docilely, and when she looked up at Cindy, a cold glow came out of her eyes.

Cindy was taken aback, remembering the rumors in the company, and understood why she was hostile to herself. She thought she had a leg with Zeng Shuai, right?

Zeng Shuai asked: "Xinni, do you want to be together?"

Cindy shook her head hurriedly: "I have something else, so I won't disturb the president and Miss Wen."

Wen Yingying smiled confidently: count her acquaintances!


When Gong Bai came home, he saw an extra treadmill in the living room, and Gong Fei was running on it.

He asked suspiciously, "Where did you get the treadmill?"

"I bought it. I need to exercise." Gong Fei slowed down and changed to brisk walking, while asking him, "Why didn't you come back yesterday?"

Gong Bai paused, and a flash of red flashed across his face: "Is there something wrong?"

Gong Fei snorted, knowing that he had gone with Yu Xinran!

She asked: "Can you talk to Gong Mo and ask her to ask Stellar Entertainment to make me a sister?"

After listening to what the agent said yesterday, she thought of this way. Hurriedly came back to look for Gong Bai, but Gong Bai didn't go home all night, she was going crazy!

Gong Bai asked incredulously: "Why are you embarrassed to make such a request?"

Gong Fei's face became stiff and a little embarrassed.

She knew that she had been bad to Gong Mo before, and she had already endured a grudge.

But isn't Gong Bai being nice to Gong Mo and Shan Rong? Gong Mo will never fail to give him face, right?

She said disapprovingly: "You take care of her so-"

"It's mine to take care of her, not you!" Gong Bai said.

"Am I not your sister?" Gong Fei cried.

"But my face is not so great!" Gong Bai stood up, "She didn't hate me because of you, but gave me face. Is it still because I love you? You think too much of me, and too much. You are yourself!" (to be continued~^~)

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