Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 804: How to please Gong Mo

"You--" Gong Fei stopped with anger.

As a result, the treadmill was still moving, and she fell off the treadmill with a pop.

Gong Bai was shocked and wanted to help her.

She climbed up with her leg in her arms, and she didn't hurt anything, just a little pain.

Gong Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and said sternly, "Be careful." After that, he turned back to the room.

Looking at his back, Gong Fei suddenly got up, grabbed the towel hanging on the treadmill and threw it over.

She went to take a shower, returned to the room, and called Hu Yinghong angrily.

She hasn't told Hu Yinghong about Sheng Nanxuan's true identity, so she said it all in order to sue Gong Bai.

Hu Yinghong was surprised, and her tone was full of regret: "He is so powerful?".

"Yes!" Gong Fei said bitterly, "As a result, Gong Mo kept hiding from us and looked down upon us at all!"

"Yeah!" Hu Yinghong was dissatisfied, "I'm afraid that we will rely on her? Otherwise, how could we treat her and her mother that way! Hmph~ I don't want to think about them, how dare we treat them like they did before? Is it human instinct? Don’t blame us! I said earlier, isn’t everyone and the friendly family very good?"

Gong Fei paused and wanted to echo her, but suddenly realized that he was not thick enough.

She said a few perfunctory words, hung up the phone in disgust, flashing through her mind what she had done over the years, and hated herself very much.

She shook her head and forced herself not to think about it.

I have done everything, what can I regret? It was Gong Mo that was wrong!

But... for the sake of your own future, it doesn't matter if you admit that you did something wrong. Who says Gong Mo is capable? If you are not as good as others, just reluctantly bow your head! Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, it may be that Sheng Nanxuan is unlucky, Gong Mo is not as good as now, it is the time to take revenge.

Gong Fei snorted lightly, embraced this great dream, and slept happily.

But after getting up the next day, she began to plan in her heart how to please Gong Mo and ask for benefits.

The road through Gong Bai is definitely not working. Go straight to the door?

Although she knew Gong Mo's address, wouldn't it be embarrassing if Gong Mo didn't give her face or let her in? If it is photographed by paparazzi, it will be even worse!

Gong Fei thought about it for a long time, showing a smug smile, and finally thought of a way.


Stellar entertainment, body training room.

Several entertainers were doing physical training in the classroom, tiptoeing in circles.

Some people don't have a dance foundation, and they stop after turning around because their toes hurt and their center of gravity is unstable. But in order to become more beautiful and temperamental, they will continue.

Tang Xinxin practiced ballet for a few years as a child, and it was not difficult to do it. However, it is still very tired.

After all, I am old and my body is not as soft as when I was young.

After two hours of training, most of the people left the classroom.

Tang Xinxin sat on the ground, bent over and pressed her upper body to her legs, maintaining this position to rest.

"Sister Xinxin." A voice came from the side.

Tang Xinxin froze, got up slowly, and saw Gong Fei.

Gong Fei just came in, dressed in a beautiful fashion, with thick eyebrows and exquisite makeup.

It's so strange that she would call her sister Xinxin? Nothing to show courtesy, you will steal if you do it!

Tang Xinxin ignored her, stretched her limbs and continued to practice yoga.

Practicing yoga requires quiet-quiet environment and quiet people. She should not speak. If Gong Fei is sensible, she should also leave at this time. (To be continued~^~)

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