Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 805: Tang Xinxin is not an easy host

However, Gong Fei felt that she was resting, and there was nothing wrong with it, so it would be fine to interrupt. If you are doing business, that is the real interruption. Isn't it just time to save time now?

"Sister Xinxin, are you okay for a while?" she asked.

Tang Xinxin asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm okay!" Gong Fei smiled, "I plan to go to my cousin later, I want to call sister Xinxin with him."

"Oh..." Tang Xinxin said, "I have something to do for a while, I'm afraid I can't go."

"Then when Sister Xinxin is free, shall we go there together? I am a little bit mad."

Tang Xinxin said: "I recently made a boyfriend and want to date. I don't know which day will pass."

Gong Fei had a pause, knowing that she was deliberately making excuses, and asked: "I heard that Xinxin's boyfriend is Wu Di?"

"Yes~" Tang Xinxin crossed her legs in front of her and straightened her back to meditate.

Gong Fei hated it. This Tang Xinxin looks very pure, but he did not expect to be the master of Pan Gaozhi!

She saw Wu Di on Wu Surong's birthday, and she was still thinking about it and put him on the reserve list.

Because Wu Di, like Zeng Shuai, is a playboy, she loves to change women when she is fine. She doesn't feel rushed and can hook up at any time.

On the contrary, Yu Xinzhuo, Fang Yang and others are very clean and self-conscious, and usually don't even see one on the lace news.

But she believes that men are all the same, just look at catching or not.

So she wanted to hook up with people like Yu Xinzhuo first, and spread it out if she succeeded, which is also good for improving her reputation! If it is unsuccessful, go and hook up the **** again, and make sure you get it!

As a result, Gong Bai dragged her away, and she had no chance to hook them up! When I turned around, I thought about playing Wu Di and Zeng Shuai's idea. Wu Di and Tang Xinxin were together. There was Wen Yingying in Zeng Shuai's bowl and Xinni was still stewed in the pot!

Gong Fei was so angry that he didn't dare to tell anyone that he had such a plan.

And the person Wu Di was looking for was Tang Xinxin, she felt inexplicably that Wu Di might be planted!

Tang Xinxin is not an easy host.

It is said that when Tang Xinxin was in high school, a good sister in her class fell in love early and was cheated by a girl in another class to seduce the man. She rushed to the junior's classroom, slapped two slaps, was shocked, and said regretfully: "I was wrong and I was wrong! How can women be blamed for this kind of thing? It's all men's fault! Our women Compatriots must fight against themselves, and not make loved ones hurt, and enemies quick! I believe you must be innocent and did not actively seduce you, otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

Xiao San was so scared that he was crying and shaking, and immediately said: "Yes... it's all his fault! I will break up with him!"

Tang Xinxin nodded in satisfaction, turned around and beat the man again.

Because it was beating a man, the boys in her class were afraid that she would suffer, so everyone gathered to follow her and act as bodyguards behind her. She went all the way to the boys' classroom, until she finished the fight, the other classmates did not dare to come out to help-who told her there were so many people behind!

Gong Fei felt that if he dared to hook on Wu Di, Tang Xinxin would definitely slap in the face twenty times.

Thinking of that kind of situation, she felt her face hurt, but she didn't mind the quickness of her tongue, and smiled innocently: "I heard that Wu Di is a bit distressed?"

"It's okay~" Tang Xinxin glanced at him, "He dared to do the first year of junior high school, I will definitely do the fifteenth! I am in the entertainment industry, I am afraid that I can't find a handsome man than him?" (to be continued~^~ )

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