Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 809: Dare you say i'm bad?

Huzi glanced in the direction of the master bedroom and yelled bitterly: "Mom..."

"Mom will be here soon." Sister Li was embarrassed.

Before getting up, it is obvious that Sheng Nanxuan is pulling Gong Mo to exercise.

"Huh!" Huzi is robbing his father against his mother every day, and he also knows that it must be his father not letting his mother come out!

Father is afraid that he will **** mother! Humph! Bad guys!

Huzi bowed his head, turned his grief and anger into appetite, Hululu ate the porridge.

Sister Li breathed a sigh of relief: "The tiger is so good~"

"Hmm." I'm so good, my mother must like me!

Sister Li looked at the empty bowl and asked, "Do you want more?"

Huzi shook his head and fell back on the sofa, as if he was struggling.

Sister Li couldn't help being funny, and touched his head affectionately: "Oh, don't move, it's here."

She took the empty bowl to the kitchen, then took the towel to wipe Huzi's mouth, and then went back to wash the dishes.

Huzi looked around boredly, kicked his feet, and tried to kick his shoes off, but he did not succeed in kicking several times.

He sat up, pulled his foot to untie the shoelaces, and flicked his foot and the shoes flew out and landed on the fruit plate on the coffee table.

"Hehehe..." Huzi laughed happily as if he had done something big, and unbuttoned the other shoe and kicked it out.

This one flew over the coffee table and fell to the ground.

Huzi climbed down from the sofa, walked around the coffee table, picked up his shoes and wanted to put it on the coffee table.

Seeing the apples on the plate, he was stunned.

Guoguo is eaten, and shoes and shoes don't seem to be put together with it.

Mom said that the things on the ground are dirty and the shoes are always on the ground. That is very dirty!

Huzi heard the sound of opening the door from the master bedroom and immediately picked up the shoe in the fruit plate.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he ran over excitedly, threw his shoes halfway, and threw them directly on Gong Mo's leg: "Ma Ma--"

"How did you take off your shoes?"

Sheng Nanxuan asked, bending over to pick up the shoes, trying to help him put them on.

Huzi turned around and kicked him.

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback: "What are you doing? Don't you love Dad the most?"

"No!" Huzi said angrily, turning his head to hug Gong Mo tightly, "Ma Ma..."

"Come on, I'll put on shoes for you." Sheng Nanxuan went to pull his feet.

He kicked out hard: "No, no, no—bad! Bad!"

"Who is bad?" Sheng Nanxuan pretended to be angry, "You dare to call me bad?"

Huzi looked at him, a little scared and regretful, but turned his head angrily when he thought of stealing his mother from him.

"Nothing." Sheng Nanxuan smiled dozingly.

He just got great satisfaction from Gong Mo, he was happy and didn't care about children.

Gong Mo picked up the tiger and walked into the living room. Sheng Nanxuan threw his shoes on the sofa: "He hates me. You can wear them for him. I'll get breakfast."

Gong Mo pursed his lips blushing, grabbed Huzi's little feet, and put on his shoes.

Huzi lay on the sofa and kept yelling: "Mom, mom..."

As if shouting a few more times, his mother would love him more.

Gong Mo put on his shoes, pulled him up, and sternly taught: "You are not allowed to take off your shoes, you know?"

Seeing the shoes, she knew that he put them on first and then took them off.

Huzi opened his innocent eyes and looked ignorant.

"Pretend to be stupid!" Gong Mo glared at him, "If you don't wear shoes, you will get sick. If you are sick, it will hurt."

"Um..." Huzi slipped into her arms shamelessly and said coquettishly, "Mom~" (to be continued~^~)

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