Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 810: Let dad try the poison~

"Come, eat." Sheng Nanxuan walked over with breakfast.

Gong Mo pushed the tiger away: "Sit down."

Huzi sat next to him with his mouth pouting, and after a while he started kicking boringly.

Gong Mo turned to look at him: "Huh?"

Huzi was surprised and immediately got up to rules. After a while, he saw that she hadn't looked at herself, and climbed off the sofa.

He lay on the coffee table, reached out his hand, took an apple and handed it to Sheng Nanxuan: "Dad—"

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and gave him a kiss on his face.

"Smelly boy!" Every time I provoke him and come to please him again, why is he so ghostly?

"Eat!" Huzi pushed the apple to his mouth and looked at him intently.

Sheng Nanxuan smiled, put the apple in his mouth and took a bite, chewing sweetly.

Huzi looked at him nervously.

The doorbell rang and Sister Li opened the door from the kitchen.

It was Fang Yang and He Yue who came with things in their hands.

Gong Mo sat on the sofa without moving, and said with a smile: "Are you here?"

"Madam." He Yue smiled, "The clothes are ready, do you want to try it?"

Gong Mo nodded: "You put it in the cloakroom first, and wait for me to finish eating."


He Yue walked inside, lowered his head and smiled at him when he passed Huzi: "Huzi~"

"Auntie~" Huzi called sweetly.

He Yue smiled happily: "Really good~"

Fang Yang also came over, stood beside Huzi, and reached out to touch his head.

"Uncle." Huzi glanced at him, then continued to look at Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan took another bite of the apple in his hand and asked suspiciously, "What are you looking at?"

Huzi shook his head, ran to Gong Mo, climbed onto the sofa and hid behind her, secretly looking at Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan didn't know what he was doing, pretending not to see it, and asked Fang Yang, "Are everything arranged?"

"It's arranged, all the invitations are delivered."

Half a month later, it was Gong Mo's birthday. Sheng Nanxuan was going to celebrate it for her. He invited many people to Huanyuan to attend the birthday banquet. Now Fang Yang and He Yue are busy with this.

After Gong Mo finished his meal, he picked up the tiger and put it in Sheng Nanxuan's arms: "I'll try on clothes."

"Yeah." Sheng Nanxuan threw away the apple core and squeezed Huzi's face.

Huzi smiled. Dad ate Guoguo and it was okay. It seemed that Guoguo was not soiled by his shoes...


Gong Mo tried the newly made dress again, and there was no problem. She smiled and said, "I hope I won't suddenly become fat these days."

He Yue smiled: "Do you want to try the young master?"

"Let him try. Put on new clothes, he is happy."

"Okay." He Yue picked up the two suits of Huzi and walked out of the room.

Huzi's is a small suit with a very cute little bow tie. One set is long-sleeved trousers and the other is short-sleeved shorts.

Gong Mo asked him to change his clothes. He was playing with Sheng Nanxuan's mobile phone and looked up at her with an expression of reluctance.

Gong Mo didn't force him, and said to He Yue: "I'll give him a try in a while. If you have any questions, I will find you. You can go back first."

"Okay." He Yue was about to leave.

Gong Mo suddenly said, "Wait! If you rush to make clothes, how many days will it get better?"

"Uh..." He Yue was taken aback, "If you just do it, you can get out in a day."

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you can ask a designer for some girly design drawings and send them to my mailbox at night."

"it is good."

Sheng Nanxuan asked suspiciously: "What do you want from the girl department? Pretending to be tender?"

Gong Mo looked at him dissatisfied: "I'm already tender!"

Sheng Nanxuan snorted and pointed to Huzi: "Look at what this is?" (to be continued~^~)

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