Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 816: I want to ask you for help

Because when she was very young, the second child of Wu wanted to hit Old Man Wu's idea, and she confided in it. Later, although she and Wu Di didn't have much contact, they kept phone calls with each other.

Wu Di saw the last sentence of her text message and knew it was not suitable to call back to ask. But what do you want Fang Yang to do?

Fingers painted with pink nail polish tapped in front of him, and he immediately returned to his senses and smiled at Tang Xinxin.

Tang Xinxin squinted, "What are you doing? Is there a junior?"

"What nonsense?" Wu Di said while replying to the text message, "It's my cousin, in the next room."

His eyes lit up and he took the opportunity to talk about the relationship between his family's characters.

Hehehe, if Xinxin will marry him in the future, it is good to know his family status earlier.

After listening to Tang Xinxin, she said in her heart: It's really complicated.

Wu Di said: "Over there, Yunjun is a normal person. Of course, her parents are also fine, not like others...so...well, I don't know how to describe it."

Tang Xinxin was puzzled: "That Junjun knew Fang Yang?"

"I don't know. But she is not a fool, there must be a reason. When she resolves the matter, she will call and explain."

Tang Xinxin nodded and smiled at him: "Then let's continue to have dinner~"

Wu Di hurriedly said: "I was wrong, I was wrong... We should not delay our date for others!"


After receiving the number from Wu Di, Wu Junjun immediately sent a text message to Fang Yang: "I am Wu Junjun. If I have an emergency, I can ask you for help. Please call me back, thank you."

When she was editing the text message, Wu Yanxi, who was sitting across from her, thought about taking a look.

Yun's father and Yun's mother happened to be sitting on either side of her, naturally facing her, and immediately said, "What are you doing?"

"You want to bully my Junjun? Don't care about it, dad!" Jun's mother covered her face and cried, "My Junjun just finished the exam, you bullied her... I'm not alive!"

"Enough! No one is allowed to make a noise!" Wu Lao Er yelled, then looked at Wu Yunyun.

Wu Yunjun put down the phone: "I left a message for him, and he will return to me when he is free—"

Bell Bell Bell——

The phone rang.

Wu Yunyun was taken aback for a moment, and he picked it up immediately, which happened to be Fang Yang.

She couldn't help laughing, she couldn't think of it so fast.

She got up and wanted to go outside to answer the phone.

Wu Lao Er shouted: "It's here!"

Wu Yunyun was taken aback and sat down.

Fang Yang’s voice came from the phone: "Miss Wu? What can I do for you?"

"Actually...it's nothing." She looked at Wu Lao Er.

Fang Yang paused, and asked with concern: "Did you encounter any danger?"


Wu Lao Er said in a low voice, "You turn on the speakerphone."

Wu Junjun frowned, coughed, slowly put down the phone, and pressed the speakerphone.

"That...Fang Yang." She took a deep breath, "I want to ask you for help."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yang asked.

"Um... I heard that your boss will hold a birthday party recently."

She gently pulled Yun's mother's sleeve under the table, and Yun's mother looked at her puzzled.

She reached for the soup, took a sip by the way, then put down the spoon and made a little noise.

Yun's mother seems to understand, is this to let Fang Yang know that she has the handsfree?

Yun's mother picked up the spoon and accidentally dropped it on the table with a bang.

"Why are you—" Wu Lao Er was furious, reacted and hurriedly covered his mouth.

"What sound?" Fang Yang asked. (To be continued~^~)

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