"Huzi should get up, let's go and see." Gong Mo said.

Tian Cheng nodded hurriedly and went to Huzi's room with her.

Huzi wets the bed. Sister Li changed his clothes. He was hiding under the blanket and shy.

Gong Mo walked over: "You're shy? Who told you that you don't like wearing diapers and pee on the bed again?"

"Ah ah ah -" gained cried flew at her, do not she says. Suddenly seeing Tian Cheng, he blushed and turned around to get into the quilt again.

Tian Cheng couldn't help but smile, and said to Gong Mo: "Then I will go out first."

"Good." Gong Mo continued to comfort Huzi.

Tian Cheng walked into the living room and sat down uncomfortably. Being a guest in someone else's house is always a bit restrained.

After a while, Huzi came out of the room with a toy in his hand.

She sat up in a hurry and looked at him with a smile. Originally wanted to make fun of him, for fear that he was shy, she gave up.

Huzi stayed next to him for a while, seeing that she hadn't laughed at herself, and thought she was a good person, immediately ran up to her and handed her the toy.

She asked suspiciously: "Do you want me to play with you?"

Huzi didn't speak, and continued to stuff her toys. After finishing the stuffing, lift the sofa cushion and find a few from below.

Tian Cheng asked amused: "Did you hide there on purpose?"

"Eh~" Huzi pushed her hand.

She asked suspiciously: "This is... what is going to be done?"

Gong Mo came out and said with a smile: "He wants to give it to you. Whoever he likes, just do it."

Huzi smiled, climbed onto the sofa and sat next to Tian Cheng.

Tian Cheng picked up the toy and played with him.

Gong Mo went to the kitchen to get snacks and flower tea: "Let's take a break and wait for us to go out. You are here, don't be cautious."

Tian Cheng nodded. However, how can it be informal in other people's homes? I really don't think of myself as a guest, that would be too naive.


Gong Bai took Yu Xinran back to his residence and glanced at the shoes in the shoe cabinet. Gong Fei's slippers are here, shouldn't she be at home?

"Fei Fei isn't there?" Yu Xinran asked.

"It should be filming." Gong Bai said, "Sit down and I'll change my clothes."

"I haven't seen where you are~" Yu Xinran smiled and threw into his arms.

Gong Bai blushed and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble."

Yu Xinran stuck out his tongue and let go of him: "Then you go change it~"

Gong Bai pulled her: "Don't come together?"

Yu Xinran blushed and threw away: "Come on!"

Gong Bai smiled and went to the bedroom, and Yu Xinran took out the present she bought for Tian Cheng.

She didn't send the meeting gift last time, she plans to make it up today.

She chose a pair of diamond earrings, and she didn't know if Tian Cheng would like it. She was just thinking that when a girl is older, she must be able to hold the scene.

I have known Gong Fei for so long, and she has never given Gong Fei anything. Gong Fei is really annoying, she is not happy to send it!

As for Tian Cheng, he has a good relationship with Gong Bai and Gong Mo. Just looking at this, you know that the other party is a good person. She will naturally value the people Gong Bai likes.

"Sister Xinran~" Gong Fei's pleased voice came from behind.

Yu Xinran was frightened, turned around and asked: "Are you...are you at home?"

"Yeah?" Gong Fei rubbed his forehead, "I feel a little uncomfortable. Rest at home."

Yu Xinran closed the box containing the diamond earrings and put it in the bag.

Gong Fei gazed at it blankly and asked, "Are they the latest diamond earrings from Tiffany? They are so beautiful!"

"Yes~" Yu Xinran smiled awkwardly. (To be continued~^~)

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