"I always wanted a pair." Gong Fei said with a smile, "but because it's a limited edition, you can't buy it with money."

Besides, she has no money at all! No, there is money, just reluctant. The money she earned from filming can't afford such a squandering.

Yu Xinran pretended to be a fool. If she is considerate, she should put the pair of earrings into Gong Fei's hands immediately and say: I'll give you it!

But why? She is not happy! She is going to take it to give Tian Cheng! Sending Tian Cheng ten to a hundred pairs is happy to her, and giving Gong Fei a pair of hers is not happy!

"I thought about it." Gong Bai's voice came. "The earrings will be given when Tian Cheng gets the admission letter. It is also a reason. I am afraid she will be embarrassed to give it to Gong. Fei? Why are you here?"

Gong Fei suddenly turned his head to look at him, and asked angrily: "Why can't I be here?! Isn't this my home?!"

Gong Bai really wanted to say no, this is the house he rented!

Gong Fei gave Yu Xinran a bitter look, and was furious!

It turns out that those earrings were given to Tian Cheng!

Why is Tian Cheng? !

She is Gong Bai's younger sister! As a result, after so long, Yu Xinran never gave her a strand of hair!

Gong Bai said to Yu Xinran, "Let's go."

Gong Fei shouted: "Where are you going?!"

"Out for dinner."

"What did you just say about Tian Cheng?" Gong Fei asked, "Is Tian Cheng here? Are you going to eat with her?"


"Don't lie to me!" Gong Fei cried, "Mom told me everything, are you still hiding from me?"

"Now that you know, why should you ask?" Gong Bai asked impatiently.


"Gong Bai." Yu Xinran gently pulled Gong Bai's sleeve.

Gong Bai took a deep breath and said to Gong Fei, "Yes, Tian Cheng is here, and now lives in Gong Mo's house."

"I'll go with you!" Gong Fei suddenly calmed down. "How can I say that I am also her cousin. How can she not be indifferent when she comes?"


"What's wrong with me? Don't let me go, and later say I am ignorant!"

Gong Bai said helplessly: "Well then, you go and change your clothes first, we will wait for you."

She is still wearing her pajamas.

Gong Fei turned around and went back to the room, changing into a tight-fitting dress, showing the curve.

Gong Bai frowned, but the clothes were only more close-fitting, because Gong Fei's good figure made him look more sexy. The length of the skirt was almost knee-length, and the thighs were not exposed, and the top was quite satisfactory, with no chest or back exposed, so he couldn't tell her to change it. Her clothes are more difficult to find than this conservative estimate, so it's better to be like this.

The three got into Yu Xinran's car and Gong Bai drove.

Gong Fei sat behind and took out her cosmetic bag to put on makeup.

Gong Bai glanced at her: "What makeup do you put on for a family meal?"

Gong Fei hummed: "I'm a star! What if I run into fans in the restaurant?"

Gong Bai sighed depressed.

Yu Xinran said with a smile, "We must be sitting in the private room, so don't worry."

Gong Fei moved for a while and glanced at her dissatisfied.

Yu Xinran turned his head and smiled and asked, "By the way, when is your birthday, Fei?"

When Gong Fei heard this, his expression immediately changed, joy appeared on his face, and his words became more pleasing: "What's the matter? Sister Xinran wants to give me a gift?"

"Fifei——" Gong Bai said displeasedly.

Yu Xinran glanced at him and smiled: "Naturally I want to give a gift." (To be continued~^~)

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