Tian Cheng turned around and saw a man holding a tiger and leaving the crowd.

Huzi struggled back and forth on him, shouting: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Tian Cheng was surprised: Is this kidnapped by a trafficker?

She hurried to catch up.

Zeng Shuai held the tiger with the tortoise in his hand, and said helplessly: "I'll give it to you later, let me pee first, OK?"

"Ah—" Hu Zi yelled dissatisfiedly, lowered his head to look for the turtle, "Turtle—"

"Turtle, you are so big--" Zeng Shuai said.


He was hit **** the head, his body staggered, and the tiger in his hand was almost thrown out.

He hurriedly hugged the tiger, and he was afraid after a while: good risk, good risk, fortunately nothing, otherwise this life is not enough to pay!

He turned around angrily, trying to curse, an off-white canvas bag flew again and hit him in the face.

Then, he felt that someone wanted to grab the tiger in his hand!

Is this okay?

Zeng Shuai held the tiger tightly and took a step back!

The traffickers nowadays are so rampant, they dare to **** people in broad daylight! If it is really taken away, the BOSS will definitely kill himself!

Zeng Shuai wanted to kick someone. As soon as he lifted his foot, he saw that the other party was a girl, so he stopped the action.

I go! Qingben, how can you be a thief? Still a thief who steals children! This looks has a future for casual gangsters in the entertainment industry!

"Little ~ tortoise~" Huzi was still shouting.

Tian Cheng looked at Zeng Shuai excitedly: "Give the child back to me!"

"Are you crazy!" Zeng Shuai shouted, "This is not your child!"

Tian Cheng picked up the canvas bag on the ground and hit it again.

Huzi turned his head and shouted: "Auntie——"

"Auntie is here to save you!" Tian Cheng was crying anxiously.

"Wait!" Zeng Shuai raised his hand and found that he was carrying a tortoise. He immediately threw the tortoise on the ground and grabbed the canvas bag Tian Cheng threw over.

Seeing the tortoise fell on the ground, Hu Zi angrily slammed his head towards Zeng Shuai: "Turtle tortoise——"

Zeng Shuai tilted his head, avoiding his little head, and looked at Tian Cheng: "Who are you?"

"Who do you care about me? Give him back to me!"

"You are..." Zeng Shuai remembered that Huzi had just called her aunt, and he had also heard Fang Yang say that Gong Mo's cousin was here, should it be her?

"Miss Tian?" he asked.

Tian Cheng was taken aback, and suddenly felt wrong, how could he know himself?

She asked, "Who are you?"

Seeing her reaction, Zeng Shuai knew that he had guessed correctly, and let go of the canvas bag.

"Ah—" Tian Cheng screamed subconsciously because of her inertia.

Zeng Shuai rushed forward and pulled her arm towards him.

Tian Cheng's body hit his chest hard and also hit the tiger in his arms.

Huzi burst into tears.

Tian Cheng was startled and was about to comfort him when something suddenly fell from the sky and covered Zeng Shuai's head.

Tian Cheng was in a daze.

Zeng Shuai stretched out his hand, took the thing off, and stayed there too!

It's actually a bra!

Tian Cheng's eyes flickered, and she fainted for a second.

Zeng Shuai looked around stupidly and found that the bag Tian Cheng used to hit him had fallen to the ground, and the contents of the bag had spilled out. It looked like there were clothes, toothbrushes or something...

Is this hers? He looked at... the hood in his hand.

Huzi also stared blankly, forgetting to cry.

"Ah--" Tian Cheng screamed, grabbed the underwear and hid it in his arms, hurriedly tidying up the things on the ground.

Huzi was startled when he heard the call and cried again. (To be continued~^~)

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