Zeng Shuai hurriedly put him on the ground to comfort him: "Be good, don't cry~"

"Wow... Dad..." Huzi turned to look for Sheng Nanxuan.

"Don't cry, don't cry... Dad will be here soon!" Zeng Shuai was frantic. After crying like this, the boss came and met, and he would definitely blame himself.

"Mom..." Huzi continued to search.

"Turtle tortoise!" Zeng Shuai suddenly remembered, reaching out to pick up the tortoise on the ground, reaching there, he found that the cage was covered with a piece of white cloth.

He was about to uncover it, with a snap--

Tian Cheng slapped him.

He looked over.

Tian Cheng picked up the piece of cloth blankly and hurriedly stuffed it into the canvas bag.

He reacted, it seemed to be...her little inner...

Is there any reason? He didn't mean it!

"Hiccup~" Huzi was so scared by the slap that his crying disappeared. After a hiccup, he looked at Zeng Shuai surreptitiously.

Seeing that Zeng Shuai didn't respond, he struggled out of his arms and ran to Tian Cheng's side.

Huhu-it's terrible! Auntie is so powerful, she must follow her aunt so as not to bully her uncle.

Zeng Shuai picked up the tortoise cage silently. The tortoise rolled around the cage a few times, and when the cage stabilized, he began to crawl slowly.

Tian Cheng picked up the tiger, clutched the canvas bag tightly, and walked forward dullly.

Zeng Shuai took the tortoise and followed in silence.

Huzi stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, grabbed Tian Cheng's collar and said, "Turtle..."

Tian Cheng stopped, turned around and asked Zeng Shuai awkwardly: "Where is my sister?"

"I'm going home. I'm probably coming back in a while." Zeng Shuai stretched out his hand to shake her hand, thinking that he had just touched her underwear, and then retracted in embarrassment, "I'm Zeng Shuai, here to take you to the TV station."

"Oh..." Tian Cheng lowered her head, her face flushed with embarrassment.

How could you encounter such a shameful thing? Must have gone out without reading the almanac!

"Hungry~" Huzi suddenly reached out and patted his stomach.

Tian Cheng said hurriedly: "Then let's go shopping and eat."


When Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan returned to the park, they saw Tian Cheng and Zeng Shuai sitting side by side on the bench. Huzi stood between the two, playing with the little turtle on his stomach.

Tian Cheng was feeding Huzi with a small piece of bread. Huzi lowered his head to play with the tortoise after a bite. He looked up again after eating, turning his head to talk to Zeng Shuai on one side.

It looks like a family of three.

Gong Mo smiled and shouted, "Orange."

Tian Cheng stood up quickly: "Cousin, cousin-in-law."

"Have you waited for a long time?" Gong Mo asked, "My phone was thrown into the water by a tiger, and it's not good yet."

Tian Cheng nodded, "I've only been here for a while."

"Mom~" Huzi turned and hugged Gong Mo's leg.

Gong Mo picked him up: "Aren't you afraid?"

Huzi buried her face in her chest and acted like a baby: "Ma Ma~"

"You~" Gong Mo touched his head and asked Tian Cheng, "Have you had dinner?"


"Then let's go to dinner first, and then we will go there."

Turning to leave the park, she suddenly asked Tian Cheng: "This is Zeng Shuai, do you know him?"

Tian Cheng nodded hurriedly, her expression awkward.

Gong Mo glanced at them curiously.

Zeng Shuai looked ahead calmly, his face as usual.

She asked Tian Cheng again, guessing that it was the first time she was alone with a boy, and she was shy. But don’t look at Zeng Shuai. Zeng Shuai doesn’t even count as a big carrot. He is just a game flower and has no real heart!

During the meal, Hu Zi enthusiastically took care of the turtle, taking rice and meat to feed others: "Turtle, meat." (to be continued~^~)

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