Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 842: Strangle the rival in the cradle

Tian Cheng gasped with pain several times, but did not dare to scream out, so she could only endure with gritted teeth.

Ding Dang stared at Yu Qingliu's hand, slowly nibbling on melon seeds.

After Yu Qingliu rubbed, he raised his head to meet her eyes, and said to Gong Mo in a daze, "It's okay, rest for a few hours and don't move, you can run and jump again at night. Now it's no problem to walk, but it's best It’s rest to avoid swelling."

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief, nodded hurriedly, and said to Tian Cheng: "Then you go upstairs to rest first."

"But a banquet for a while..."

"It's okay, the evening officially starts, you rest first."

Yu Qingliu got up: "I'll wash my hands."

Tian Cheng blushed, knowing that he was going to wash off the medicinal liquor on his hands, but there was still a concern...Will his feet smell bad?

"Hi~" Ding Dang looked down at her.

She was slightly startled, and replied puzzled: "Hi..."

"I'll send you up." Ding Dang said with a smile, "there are already guests, Gong Mo and the others want to greet the guests."

"Okay." Tian Cheng hurriedly agreed, and said to Gong Mo, "Cousin, let this...er..."

"My name is Ding Dang."

"Hello." Tian Cheng stood up and tried to take a step. There was a slight pain, and he hurriedly raised his foot.

"I'll help you." Ding Dang said.

Entering the room upstairs, Ding Dang put her on the bed and squatted in front of her with his face in his hands.

Tian Cheng was taken aback, wondering what she meant, and said nervously: "You--"

"Don't be afraid." Ding Dang said, "I often twist my ankle, and there will be no sequelae. This kind of small injury, if you leave it alone, you will be well."

Tian Cheng nodded.

Ding Dang looked at her for a while and asked, "Do you like that doctor?"

Tian Cheng was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "No!"

Ding Dang stared at her: "Then why are you blushing?!"

"I--" Tian Cheng was incoherent anxiously, "I feel embarrassed!"

"Are you embarrassed?" Ding Dang became angry, sure she was interested in Yu Qingliu, "I tell you, he is mine!"

"I know!" Tian Cheng said, "I really don't!"

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Ding Dang already looked at her like a love rival. "A little bit of injury will cause you to be troubled. What's the big deal? Let my boyfriend rub your feet... It was on purpose! "

"I..." Tian Cheng's face turned pale, and she was crying anxiously, "I didn't..."

"Are you still crying? Do you think I am a man, would you believe your tears?!"

"Ding Dang——" Yu Qingliu's voice came.

Ding Dang was taken aback, turned around and closed the door quickly, ran back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry... Please don't cry!"

Looking at her, Tian Cheng became more and more aggrieved and angry, tears kept falling.

"Don't cry, don't cry..." Ding Dang folded his hands together and kept begging, "I beg you! I didn't mean it! I just wanted to kill the rival in the cradle--"

"Who is your rival?!" Tian Cheng said angrily.

"Be quiet—" Ding Dang was startled and looked at the door in horror.

Tian Cheng had a meal, and it seemed that she was very afraid of Yu Qingliu. She opened her throat: "Here she is—"

"Ah -" Ding Dang rushed forward and covered her mouth, pressing her on the bed.

Knocking—there is a knock on the door.

Tian Cheng turned to shake Ding Dang's hand away, and shouted, "Come in!"

Ding Dang was startled and covered her again.

Yu Qingliu opened the door, saw them lying on the bed, twisted together, and raised his eyebrows. (To be continued~^~)

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