Huzi touched it twice, thinking that this horse was cuter than the one just now. He lay his hands on it and yelled, "Drive--"

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and patted his ass.

"Cousin, cousin-in-law." Tian Cheng returned. Seeing that they were all waiting for him, he was overwhelmed and hurriedly got off his horse.

Gong Mo hurriedly said, "Slow down—"

"Ah -" Tian Cheng just touched the ground with a painful cry and fell to the ground.

Gong Mo, the coach and others rushed up, and Sheng Nanxuan also turned around holding Huzi.

"What's the matter?" Gong Mo asked hurriedly.

Tian Cheng hugged his leg and gasped with pain, but still shook his head.

The coach checked her ankle and said: "It's just a sprain, it's fine, but it may hurt for two days."

Gong Mo hurriedly helped her up. Seeing her expression in pain, he comforted and said, "Be patient and go back and deal with it."

Tian Cheng nodded, got into the golf cart with her support, first went to the next room to take off his armor, and then returned to the villa.

To the door of the villa, Gong Mo helped Tian Cheng walk in, and put her on the sofa in the living room.

Outside the door, Fang Yang handed the little wooden horse to Huzi, who pushed away with disgust.

Sheng Nanxuan asked: "If there is a Malaysian, then no pony?"

"Wow~" Huzi crawled on him like a shame, "Dad."

Sheng Nanxuan sighed worriedly: "I'm so afraid that you will become a big villain when you grow up."

Huzi shook his head and whispered in his arms: "Okay~"

Sheng Nanxuan hugged him into the living room and said to Gong Mo: "Uncle was on the way when he came. Let me apply a cold compress and wait until my uncle arrives."

Gong Mo nodded and asked someone to bring ice to apply to Tian Cheng.

Tian Cheng lowered her head and said to herself, "I am so useless..." My cousin celebrated her birthday happily, but she...

"Everyone is not careful." Gong Mo comforted, "Don't think too much. It should not be serious, just rub it."

After lunch, before Yu Qingliu arrived, Gong Mo took out the medicinal wine and wanted to help Tian Cheng rub it.

Tian Cheng said: "I'll do it myself."

"How do you knead?"

"It should be easy."

The medicinal liquor is spray type. Gong Mo sprayed her feet twice, and she held it down and rubbed it.

Gong Mo looked at the instructions and said, "Knead it until it gets hot."

Tian Cheng did the same. After kneading, she twisted her ankle and smiled in surprise: "Huh? Doesn't it hurt?"

"It should have just started to work. Don't move, wait until your uncle comes."

While talking, Yu Qingliu's voice came over——

"After pediatrics and gynecology, orthopedics is also my responsibility?"

When Tian Cheng heard this, his face was embarrassed, thinking that it was causing trouble.

"Uncle." Gong Mo stood up, "My cousin is more serious, don't be kidding."

Tian Cheng blushed, lowered his head and pursed his lips, blaming himself.

Yu Qingliu glanced at her and asked: "Does it hurt?"

Tian Cheng shook his head: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Let me see." Yu Qingliu sat on the sofa and grabbed her ankle.

Tian Cheng shrank subconsciously, and he held it down: "Don't move."

Tian Cheng raised his head, just to meet Ding Dang's smiling face. But why is this smile so permeating?

Ding Dang said: "Don't be afraid, my family's clean medical skills are very good."

Tian Cheng was taken aback. my home? Are they a couple?

She glanced at Yu Qingliu, Yu Qingliu is not young anymore! This aunt is very well maintained, like a girl.

Yu Qingliu sprayed the medicinal wine on the palm of his hand, rubbed it twice and rubbed Tian Cheng's foot. (To be continued~^~)

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