Sheng Nanxuan turned his head and saw Fang Yang holding a horse standing beside him in a daze, and said to him: "Look at the tiger for a moment."

Fang Yang nodded, threw away the rein and walked to Huzi.

Huzi pointed at the horse: "Ma Ma!"

Sheng Nanxuan turned his head and said, "What are you yelling nonsense, brat? Your mother is here."

When Gong Mo heard it, he took the whip and struck it on his back.

He jumped out and couldn't help laughing.

Gong Mo was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

Sheng Nanxuan looked at her speechlessly: "You've been hit, and you still ask?"

Gong Mo scowled: "It's not you yet!" She didn't want to hit him again, but he was talking nonsense, and her hand reacted too quickly.

Fang Yang gave a sullen smile and said to Huzi, "It's Malaysia."

"Malaysia." Huzi held his fingers, feeling as if he had just called something wrong.

Fang Yang took his fingers away: "Don't eat your hands."

Huzi pointed at the horse and opened his hands towards him.

Fang Yang guessed: Did he mean to let him take him on horseback?

But, didn't he cry just now?

"Uncle hug!"

"Okay, hug..." Fang Yang picked him up without a trace.

"Ma! Malaysia!" Hu Zi pointed at the horse excitedly.

Fang Yang hugged him and walked over and said, "You can't ride, or you will cry again."

Huzi stretched out his hand and grabbed the horse's mane.

Fang Yang hurriedly hugged him with one hand, and comforted the horse by touching the horse's back with the other, so that the tiger would not irritate it.

"Hey..." Seeing Fang Yang stroked the horse's back, Hu Zi stretched out his hand and patted the horse's back.

Well, his strength is not enough to make the horse react.

After a while, he looked back at Fang Yang, as if he had had enough. Fang Yang hugged him and walked to the horse again, letting him stand on the ground and watch the horse.

Huzi didn't know what way he saw, he laughed. Tired of laughing, he stretched out his foot to kick others.

Fang Yang hugged him up: "The horse is fierce, it will bite you."

"Bite you!" Huzi made a fierce expression at him.

Fang Yang thought he was too cute, so he rubbed his face reluctantly and hugged him and walked behind the horse.

The horse's tail flicked, and the tiger looked at it blankly for a while, pointing at the horse's tail and laughing.

When the pony tail stopped moving, he stopped again and looked at it intently. When the pony tail swept again, he turned his head to look at Fang Yang, pointing at the pony tail and laughed.

In this way, he smiled happily for a long time.

Fang Yang was also amused by him. He stared at the tail of the pony with him, and laughed with him every time the tail moved.

Fang Yang didn't know what was so funny, but he just laughed.

"Tian Cheng." Gong Mo's voice came. "It's time for lunch. Come back this afternoon."

Fang Yang raised his head, seeing Tian Cheng nodded, and slowly walked back on horseback.

He sighed, Hu Zi was going back...

Hey, I really can't bear it. Whenever I can give birth to a baby...

He kissed Huzi's face and asked in a low voice, "Do you like Uncle?"

"I like it." Huzi replied reflexively. Many people have asked him this question, and he knows the happy answer.

Fang Yang kissed him again, holding him and standing aside while waiting for Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan led Moonlight over, first helped Gong Mo down, then hugged Huzi, and taught him to touch Moonlight's body: "Come on, say hello to him. Don't be afraid, dad is here, he dare not attack you." To be continued~^~)

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