Gong Mo had ridden several times, but Sheng Nanxuan took her every time, she hadn't learned yet. But she already knows how to get started.

She mounted her horse and started walking slowly.

Tian Cheng had just been fierce by the moonlight, and now he dared not even approach the horse. The coach wanted to help her get on the horse, but she felt uncomfortable again and kept squeezing and reluctant to move.

When Gong Mo saw and guessed her age, if she didn't fall in love early, he hadn't even held the boy's hand, so he must be shy.

Gong Mo stopped by the reins and got off the horse. The coach stretched out his hand to make a protective action, but didn't dare to touch her.

After getting off the ground, she also breathed a sigh of relief. It was the first time to get on and off without Sheng Nanxuan, which was insecure.

She walked up to Tian Cheng and asked, "Don't you dare to go up? Don't be afraid, I will help you."

"Thank you cousin." Tian Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. She was not afraid, but wanted to try it. The coach was a man and she was uncomfortable.

Gong Mo helped her on the horse, and under the guidance of the coach, she grasped the rope firmly and rode forward slowly.

Seeing her walking away, Gong Mo turned around and called Fang Yang.

Fang Yang was sitting on Huzi's wooden horse, and seeing her look over, he jumped up immediately.

Gong Mo glared, "Don't sit down!"

"If it breaks, I will pay!" Fang Yang hurriedly walked over, "What's your order, Madam?"

Gong Mobai glanced at him and asked, "Is there no female coach?"

"Ah! I didn't expect it before!" Fang Yang said, "I will contact the club immediately and ask them to send two over."

Gong Mo nodded and turned to look at Sheng Nanxuan.

Sheng Nanxuan took Huzi and ran, and Huzi cried as he ran.

Gong Mo hurriedly mounted his horse and ran over there.

She didn't dare to run fast, but even if she was slow, she was afraid to tremble on horseback. After a while, she pulled the reins and stopped, still some distance away from Sheng Nanxuan.

Fortunately, Sheng Nanxuan also stopped, turned the horse's head, and trot towards her with the tiger.

"Wow--" Hu Zi looked up to the sky and cried.

Gong Mo asked: "What's wrong with him?"

"My **** hurts~" Sheng Nanxuan ran to her to stop, and hugged Huzi from the horse.

"Ma..." Huzi touched his **** with tears in his eyes, spread his hands and ran to Gong Mo's side, "It hurts."

Gong Mo snorted, picked him up, and rubbed one hand on his ass: "Mom rubs it for you, it won't hurt for a while. Man husband, don't cry."

"Woo..." Hu Zi put his arms around her neck, sobbing non-stop.

Sheng Nanxuan took the horse and walked forward slowly with them. When he walked to the Trojan horse, Huzi stopped crying, turned his head and looked at Tian Cheng curiously.

Tian Cheng rode on a horse, and the coach beside her rode a horse, and followed her to teach her.

"Malaysia..." Huzi murmured.

Sheng Nanxuan stretched out his hand and hugged him: "The horse waits for you to grow up before riding, now ride your pony!"

Sheng Nanxuan put him on the wooden horse. He grabbed the wooden horse and shook it a few times. He thought it was more fun, and happily shouted, "Drive!"

Sheng Nanxuan turned around and said to Gong Mo, "Come on, get on."

Gong Mo hurriedly shook his head, he picked her up and put her on the moonlight back.

Gong Mo shouted: "I don't want to run! Don't come up!"

Sheng Nanxuan held the reins, looked at her and said, "Don't worry, I didn't plan to go up there. I will teach you how to ride."

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "It's pretty much the same." (To be continued~^~)

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