There are people walking on the golf course, Sheng Nanxuan's men, preparing for the afternoon golf game.

Gong Mo said to Tian Cheng: "We will also fight in the afternoon, I don't know how."

Tian Cheng nodded. She found these things new and naturally wanted to touch them. After all, they are all entertainment activities for local tyrants, and it is difficult to have access to them.

By the side of the racecourse, several white single-storey houses were newly built, with locker rooms, tea rooms, etc., where riders can rest and prepare.

In order to entertain the guests, Sheng Nanxuan borrowed some horses from an equestrian club, and also hired several coaches and horse trainers.

In fact, in such a large area of ​​Huanyuan, he can run a racecourse by himself. But he didn't want to change the nature of Huanyuan. This is his and Gong Mo's home, which can be used to entertain guests, but outsiders cannot come and go frequently.

Sheng Nanxuan got out of the car, took the small wooden horse from Fang Yang and placed it on the ground, and said to Huzi, "Come on!"

Huzi ran over to hold his hand, spread his legs and rode on the wooden horse, and started shaking forward and backward.

After a while, the coach brought the horse over...

Sheng Nanxuan's white horse called "Moonlight" jogged over, and stopped in front of Sheng Nanxuan, shaking his tail, rubbing his head against Sheng Nanxuan's chest, acting like a coquetry.

Seeing that it is cute, Tian Cheng couldn't help but want to touch it. It suddenly raised its head and fouled at Tian Cheng.

"Ah!" Tian Cheng was startled and hid behind Gong Mo.

Gong Mo smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, it's afraid of life."

"Huh..." Moonlight exhaled from his nose, looking disdainful.

Sheng Nanxuan patted its head, it turned its head to resemble Gong Mo, and rubbed it against her arm.

Tian Cheng exclaimed: "So smart! So good..."

"How fierce you were just now, do you still say it is good?" Gong Mo said funny.

Tian Cheng said seriously: "I am not the owner of it. I am supposed to be fierce."

"Big~horse!" Huzi came down from the wooden horse, walked too quickly, accidentally tripped over the wooden horse, and gnawed the grass.

"Oh!" Tian Cheng was taken aback, hugged him up, and asked distressedly, "Is it all right? Does it hurt?"

"Puff puff!" Huzi spit out two mouthfuls, there was still a piece of grass on his mouth. He smacked his mouth and accidentally got it into his mouth. After chewing twice, he found that the taste was good. The mouth is stuffed.

"Hey--" everyone was shocked.

Gong Mo rushed over and patted his hand away, reproaching: "Are you still addicted to eating?"

Huzi pursed his mouth, hid his hands behind him, and walked toward Sheng Nanxuan pitifully: "Dad..."

Sheng Nanxuan picked him up, he scratched the back of his beaten hand and looked at the moonlight: "Malaysia..."

"Dad takes you to ride a horse."

Sheng Nanxuan put him on the horse's back and rode on himself, turning the horse's head to move forward.

Gong Mo asked: "You don't want your pony anymore."

"Haha—" Hu Zi excitedly opened his hands, "Fei Fei~"

Gong Mo said to Sheng Nanxuan anxiously: "Be careful!"

"I know." Sheng Nanxuan replied.

Seeing him riding far, Gong Mo turned to Tian Cheng and said, "Let's go wear armor."

Tian Cheng was stunned in a puzzled manner. After a while, she realized that she should wear something to protect her body.

The two walked into the next room and put on protective vests and helmets to prevent themselves from hurting themselves when they fell on horseback. In order to avoid being worn out by the reins, gloves were also worn.

The coach brought two gentle mares and began to guide them. (To be continued~^~)

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