Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 869: Her poor brother dare not come out!

"Who doesn't want you?" Shan Rong raised her hand to hit him, "If I don't want you, I won't let you in!"

Gong Mo stuck his tongue out and took a portion of tiramisu to eat. Seeing Tian Cheng looking after Huzi and not eating, she pushed Tian Cheng: "Eat this."

Shan Rong frowned: "I can't eat this, why did you bring it to me?"

Tiramisu has wine and coffee, she is pregnant with a child and dare not eat a bite.

Gong Mo smiled and said, "I will eat later~"

"Mom." Huzi looked at her, "I want~"

"Grandma didn't eat it, don't eat it either, be good~" Gong Mo shaved his face.

Shan Rong suddenly said to the servant, "Go and invite Miss Xin."

Gong Mo was taken aback: "Miss Xin?"

"Xinni~" Shan Rong said, "Don't you like her songs? She and Zeng Shuai came together, and they have been with me these days. She is a lovely girl."

Tian Cheng glanced at Gong Mo, Gong Mo's expression calm.

"Is she Zeng Shuai's girlfriend? But I don't think they are alike! But if it's not a boyfriend or girlfriend, why come here together?" Shan Rong asked.

Gong Mo asked back: "What are you doing with gossip?"

"It's boring. You see her in a while, don't fly with joy!"

Gong Mo smiled and said, "I won't! I've all given birth to children. Am I such an unstable person?"

"If you are steady, you won't be chasing stars for a long time."

"Why am I so old? Are you older?"

Shan Rong scowled: "Do you think I am always?"

"How come? If you are old, how can you have children?" Gong Mo said with a smile.

Tian Cheng laughed secretly, Huzi poked the tiramisu into his mouth with his finger, lowered his head and laughed with her.

"Madam, miss, Miss Xin is here." said the servant.

A few people looked over, and Cindy walked over with a smile and greeted everyone: "Mrs. Gambino, Mrs. Sheng, Miss Tian."

Gong Mo smiled and said, "Please sit down."

Cindy sat down nervously, Gong Mo pushed a tiramisu in front of her: "This tastes good."

"Thank you." Cindy hesitated to pick up the silver fork. Seeing Gong Mo was eating, he dared to take a bite into his mouth.

Shan Rong looked at them and said with a smile: "The three big beauties are so seductive! It's a pity that I am a son, and I don't know what it looks like when I grow up."

"Do you still need to worry about this?" Gong Mo pursed his lips, "You are so beautiful, your dad is so handsome, and you are a mixed race, you must be handsome!"

"What if the gene is mutated?"

"The whole thing in minutes~"

Shan Rong was right to think about it, nodded and said, "It seems that you don't have to worry about looks, it just depends on whether your brain is wrong!"


Gong Mo felt that her poor brother wouldn't dare to come out because she was so worried!

Huzi bit the chocolate and blinked at Shan Rong.

Shan Rong squeezed his face: "My grandson is beautiful and smart, and he must be better than your uncle!"

Huzi didn't know what she was talking about, but felt that she was complimenting herself, and shouted happily, "Grandma!"

"Don't eat this." Gong Mo took a tissue and pulled out the chocolate in his mouth. "If you eat too much, your teeth will break."

"Woo..." Huzi was dissatisfied and drilled into Tian Cheng's arms.

Tian Cheng said: "I really can't eat it. Auntie ate too much sugar when she was a child, and now she has toothache."

Gong Mo threw away the tissue and asked the servant to take the milk bottle with clear water and stuff it into Huzi's hand. (To be continued~^~)

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