"Good!" Tian Cheng is also willing to see more and gain a little knowledge.

After two days, Gong Mo and the others recovered from the jet lag and went out with Huzi.

Before Shan Rong was born, they decided to play a few more days farther away. When Shan Rong was born, they would not leave the castle anymore, but stay with Shan Rong.

Gong Mo and Tiancheng took the camera and took photos all the way. Tian Cheng doesn't know how to use SLR, Gong Mo taught her hand in hand.

Tian Cheng looked at the photos taken by him and Gong Mo, and found that what Gong Mo took was almost a work of art, and his... just recorded the scene truthfully.

She said enviously: "Cousin, you are amazing! You are a photographer!"

"What photographer? Have you forgotten what I studied in university? Photography is a required course, so naturally it is better than what you just learned."

"But I think my cousin is also a talented person. If you ask me to study for a few years, you may not be able to shoot."

"Mommy mommy--"

Under the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Huzi rode on Sheng Nanxuan's neck and shouted at them.

Gong Mo raised the camera and photographed the father and son.

Tian Cheng stepped back and photographed the three of them.

Gong Mo smiled and said, "I really responded to that sentence, "You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery, and the person who sees the scenery is watching you upstairs." I'm taking pictures of others, and the people taking pictures are also taking pictures of me."

"Take a picture and you still have the philosophy?" Sheng Nanxuan walked over.

Gong Mo flew up and wanted to kick him. He held the tiger and ran away: "Tiger, let's run! Mom is showing off his power~~~"

"Hahaha—" Huzi yelled happily.

Gong Mo didn't bother to care about him, and continued to photograph tourists and scenery.

After a while, Sheng Nanxuan ran back holding the tiger, and put the tiger on the ground.

"Mom--" Huzi ran to Gong Mo's side.

Gong Mo gave the camera to Sheng Nanxuan: "Come on, take me beautifully."

"This is a bit difficult." Sheng Nanxuan said.

"Why?" Gong Mo was dissatisfied.

"Because the best camera can't capture your beauty." Sheng Nanxuan's sweet words came out again.

Gong Mo's face flushed suddenly, and he turned around and hid shyly.

Tian Cheng said in his heart: Please let me eat dog food quietly for a while...

A few people played until the end of the month, returned to the castle, and saw Zeng Shuai coming by when they got off the car.

Sheng Nanxuan raised his eyebrows: "Why are you here?"

"I..." Zeng Shuai glanced back.

Cindy stood in the hallway without makeup, slender, with a touching style.

Gong Mo was standing beside Sheng Nanxuan holding Huzi, his breath a little unpleasant.

Sheng Nanxuan said angrily at Zeng Shuai: "I hope your explanation will not make me angry!"

Gong Mo glanced at Cindy, holding Huzi and Tiancheng into the house from the other direction.

Tian Cheng carried some things he bought while traveling, including food and fun.

The two went directly to Shanrong's room and took out their food.

"Really filial! I still remember that I am greedy now!" Shan Rong picked it up and took a bite, and Hu Zi lay on the table and began to eat.

"How long has Zeng Shuai been here?" Gong Mo asked.

"You came the day you left. I said to call you. He said he was not in a hurry. When you come back, I won't force you. It seems that this is the first time you go out to play like this.

Gong Mo smiled, hugged her arm and said, "Thank you mom~"

"Let it go..." Shan Rong shouted, "I am very heavy now, are you still pressing me?"

Gong Mo pouted: "With a younger brother, my mother doesn't want me anymore." (To be continued~^~)

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