Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 867: You go to the boss with me now

Cindy looked at the door and asked in a low voice: "What we say won't be heard by others, right?"

Zeng Shuai squinted, his face full of anger.

Cindy felt that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise, instead of waiting for Sheng Nanxuan to kill her, Zeng Shuai would kill her first!

She said quickly: "I was caught in a laboratory in the desert when I was in Shantagama, but a sister in red clothes rescued me, and she told me to come to Sheng Nanxuan!"

Zeng Shuai stood up. The movement was too fast, and the chair behind him fell to the ground.

"Lab?! Red clothes?!" He glared at Cindy and shouted, "Why didn't you say it earlier?!"

"I..." Cindy said weakly, "I think it's a matter of great importance and should be kept secret. Only when I see Sheng Nanxuan can I say it."

"You--" Zeng Shuai was so angry with her that she walked out directly, "Forget it, you go to the BOSS with me now!"

Cindy asked nervously: "He won't kill me, will he?"

"Relax! If what you say is true, he will never kill you."

Cindy was relieved immediately.

Zeng Shuai was informed last night that Sheng Nanxuan will go to Italy today. After checking the time, he drove directly to the airport. When we arrived at the airport, the plane just took off.

He looked helplessly at the sky and asked Cindy, "Have you brought your credentials? Let's go buy a plane ticket now."

Cindy's face changed, and he whispered, "But my ID is fake..."

"Didn't I apply for a new certificate for you?"

"That...isn't it also fake?"

Zeng Shuai was choked by her, gritted his teeth and said, "That's truer than yours. It's okay to leave the country!"


The car drove into the castle, and Sheng Nanxuan, Gong Mo and Tiancheng got off.

Tian Cheng was not here for the first time, but the moment he saw the castle, he still felt incredible.

She now feels spontaneously with a feeling of "following her cousin to eat meat"!

Following Gong Mo, she went to the national television studio, watched live concerts, went into a manor-like villa, learned horse riding, and lived in a European castle... This is something that she didn't even think about before! Will there be more in the future?

When Gambino came over, she immediately lowered her head and said hello respectfully.

"Let's go. Your mother is already waiting anxiously." Gambino said to Gong Mo.

Gong Mo nodded and led Tian Cheng into it.

Sheng Nanxuan hugged Huzi and followed behind. Huzi was already completely asleep, biting his shoulder and smacking his lips, drooling a lot.

Entering the living room, Shan Rong stood up on the sofa: "Are you tired? Go rest first."

"It's not that tired," Gong Mo said with a smile, "Look at you first."

"Then look at it." Shan Rong opened her hand and wanted to go around, but was helpless.

Seeing Huzi was asleep, she hurriedly asked people to carry him into the bedroom, and then asked Gong Mo to eat.

During the meal, she asked: "Didn't you say it will take two days to come?"

"I miss you, come early~" Gong Mo said coquettishly.

"Then when do you plan to go back?"

"At least you have to wait for you to finish the confinement. Chengcheng is not in a hurry anyway, she will start school in September, and we will go back at the end of August!"

"Well..." Shan Rong nodded happily and asked Tian Cheng, "How are your exam results?"

"The results haven't come out yet." Tian Cheng said, "I told my mother that she will help me get the transcript and the admission notice will be kept for me."

"That's good, you can rest assured to play here. Italy is beautiful, there are places of interest and historical sites everywhere, go out and see more!" (to be continued~^~)

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