"Okay." Gong Bai still quietly agreed.

Yu Xinran was taken aback, "Don't you mind?"

"do not mind."

"But she is your sister after all, do you think I—"

"It's none of your business." Gong Bai said hurriedly. "She was wrong. If you can take care of her, I can't thank you enough."

Yu Xinran frowned: "Who cares about her? It's an offense! My discipline is very expensive! I will discipline my child in the future, and I will discipline my child casually. Why is she?"

Gong Bai was silent. This...why makes him a little uncomfortable?

After a while, he smiled relieved: "Yes. So ignore her. I know, you have been tolerating her because I have been. But I have given you very little, and I don't want you to suffer this kind of grievance again."

"It's okay for me to be wronged," Yu Xinran said. "What I hate is that she doesn't know what is good or bad! I don't want to waste time for such a person."

"I know."

Yu Xinran took a deep breath and saw his frowning face, and threw his head into his arms: "Okay...Don't worry about it. Tomorrow I will buy her a few things to let her calm down--"

Gong Bai pushed her away suddenly: "Why? Didn't you just say--"

"Demolition and disaster prevention! Otherwise she must bother you!"

"Heart! You don't need to be like this—"

"I know you don't want me to spend money! But for me, money is the most useless thing. My Yu family only has money left! The problem that money can solve, I don't need money, do I have to waste my energy? "

Gong Bai was speechless.

She was right. For her, money is useless, but mental energy is priceless. Why does Gong Fei make her work hard?

Gong Bai found that what she said when she was angry had gradually exposed her thoughts: she looked down on Gong Fei and did not put the poor in her eyes.

This discovery made him a little flustered.

He knew he was not qualified to accuse her, but this was the gap between them.

It turns out that people who are not in the right place will have a different understanding in the depths of their minds, even if they fit together.

She was usually too gentle, he didn't notice. No one irritates her at ordinary times, and she doesn't have to.

Gong Fei really angered her today—no! She has angered her a long time ago, but she has been forbearing, and it broke out today.

She used to be gentle, knowledgeable and generous. He even thought that she would never lose her temper.

But she is Miss Yu's family, how could she have no temper? It's just that the Yu family taught her so well, she never loses her temper easily. And with her respectful identity, few people dare to make her angry.

She was right that the anger she had suffered in the past two decades has not been as much in Gong Fei alone.

She is high in her bones and has the unjustified capital. Why should Gong Fei be so offended?

For him? He is not that important. Even if it is important now, it will not be forever.

If Gong Fei, or the other people around him, don’t know good or bad anymore, his weight in her heart will gradually wear off and become lighter and lighter until it disappears...


Zeng Shuai walked into the company and said to the secretary: "Call Cindy to my office!"

Seeing that his face was bad, the secretary only agreed and immediately called Cindy's agent.

Cindy didn't expect that Wu Junjun was right!

She walked into Zeng Shuai's office excitedly. Before she said anything, Zeng Shuai asked in a frantic manner: "Speak, you went crazy yesterday?" (To be continued~^~)

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