Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 875: I'm so annoyed by the word "uncle"

Gong Bai smiled and said, "This is your real uncle."

Gong Mo hurriedly said, "You are also his real uncle!"

Gong Bai smiled without talking. He was just a cousin, one floor behind him, and he didn't dare to think he was right.

Huzi bit his finger and was about to cry: Why did a "real uncle" come out again? What kind of uncle is the real uncle? Oh oh... they bully! Bullying him is a baby!

"What's wrong with Huzi?" Tang Xinxin looked at him and touched his face, "Goodbye~ Auntie still loves you very much."

Huzi felt that Auntie was really a good person, and was about to rush into her arms. She could not wait to turn around and took out her phone to take a photo of Simon.

Huzi: "..." The baby is not happy!

"Mixed-bloods are really different, they are simply angels left in the world~" Tang Xinxin said to Yu Xinran.

Gong Mo thought of the crime he had suffered accidentally, and deliberately asked, "Do you want to have one too?"

After asking, she secretly looked at Wu Di.

Wu Di didn't feel anything wrong, so he leaned in front of Tang Xinxin to look at the photos she took.

Tang Xinxin glanced at him and said to Gong Mo, "I want to be born, but I don't know if I have a chance."

"Definitely no chance!" Wu Di said categorically.

Tang Xinxin snorted: "Are you so sure?"

"If you doubt my ability, I will tie you to get married tomorrow!"

"Ha ha ha-are you a marriage proposal?"

"If I call you, do you dare to agree?"

Gong Mo helped his forehead: "You are really enough!"

"Wow..." Simon burst into tears.

Tang Xinxin was surprised: "Did you wake him up?"

"Are you hungry?" Shan Rong picked him up.

Little Simon looked particularly vulnerable, but he cried loudly.

Huzi craned his neck and glanced, and said to Gong Mo, "He is crying! Bad boy!"

Gong Mo stretched out his hand and patted his ass, took him into his arms, and said, "You are the bad boy. My uncle can't speak yet, so he can cry. But you are so old that you can't cry without moving. ."

Huzi was silent for a while, snorted, and lay angrily on her shoulder.

Gong Bai said to Shan Rong, "Second aunt, let's go out first, and see Simon later."

Shan Rong nodded: "You just got off the plane, so let's go and rest first."

"I'll take them to the room." Gong Mo said.


After sending Gong Bai and the others to the guest room, Gong Mo also carried Huzi back to his room.

Fang Yang, Zeng Shuai and others also came, Sheng Nanxuan was in a meeting with them, and it took a long time to come back.

"Dad--" Hu Zi ran up to him, looking up at him.

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and hugged him, sat on the chair by the window, raised his legs and put him on it, deliberately raising his legs to play games with him.

Huzi laughed happily.

Gong Mo smiled and looked at their father and son, and said to Sheng Nanxuan: "Be careful, don't fall."

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and said, "I would rather fall myself than fall him."

Gong Mo sat on the ground beside him, groaningly said, "I said that I was going to hit someone, but it hurts again...You are such a strange father."

Sheng Nanxuan smiled and put the tiger on the ground.

Huzi succumbed to him, so he had to continue, while saying to Gong Mo: "Uncle at the meeting suggested that everyone sign an agreement against the double-S experiment. Several countries disagree."

"Uncle." Huzi stopped and looked at him curiously. Why is Uncle here again? He felt that he was almost annoyed by the word "uncle"! (To be continued~^~)

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