Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 874: Things are not going well

"Do you believe in God?" Gong Mo asked suspiciously.

"..." He never believed in God! Only you believe!

He reluctantly said, "Is the Jade Emperor all right?"

"It seems that the Jade Emperor didn't believe it?"

Sheng Nanxuan was speechless for a while, gritted his teeth and asked: "Then what do you want?!"

"Uh...I mean, the next life is too far away, let's cherish this life!" Gong Mo held his arm.

He snorted with satisfaction: "This is almost the same~"

Gong Mo stuck his tongue out and said in his heart: You are really hard to serve!

The next day, Shan Rong was discharged from the hospital to go home and confinement in the castle.

Yu Qingliu went directly to the United Nations for a meeting. Before leaving, he said: "If it goes well, I will have time to come back and drink full moon wine."

However, things are not going well.

After he arrived at the United Nations, he submitted relevant information about SRC.

At the same time, the new SRC base was controlled by the China Liberal Party, and various information was released to the public, which attracted worldwide attention. Naturally, China was condemned by all parties.

However, there are also some people in Huaguo who believe that Yu Qingliu's behavior is a traitor, and are condemning Yu Qingliu. Of course, Sheng Nanxuan and the others knew that it was the People's Party headed by Huo Cheng who was trying to divert attention and wash themselves.

In any case, SRC has attracted the attention of all countries, and all countries are condemning it.

The United Nations Medical Organization expressed the hope that the Chinese government would shut down the SRC, ban all SRC experiments, and make the truth and handling results public afterwards...

However, medical scientists from various countries have quarreled about whether to oppose the "double S" experiment worldwide, so that there is no result.

Yu Qingliu was busy arguing with those people every day, and had no time to drink Simon's Full Moon Wine.

On the eve of Simon's full moon, domestic guests arrived one after another.

There are not a few guests in China, mainly Gong Bai, Yu Xinran, Tang Xinxin, and Wu Di.

Yu Xinran and Wu Di brought a lot of gifts to their family.

"Everyone is thinking of Mom, Mom will definitely be very happy." Gong Mo said.

"I'm thinking about Auntie, and I'm even more concerned about my little baby." Tang Xinxin said, "Take us to see!"

Gong Mo snorted: "Are you thinking about baby more? I want to tell mom that you don't like her anymore~"

"The children are from other people's families! Even if you say that, the aunt will like me as before, and I won't blame me!"

"Just scream~" Gong Mo snorted and took them to the nursery.

The baby's room is next to Shan Rong and Gambino's room, so I naturally went to see Shan Rong.

Shan Rong heard that both the Yu family and the Wu family had given gifts, and said to Yu Xinran and Wu Di, "Say thank you to your family for me. It's so polite, no one came, and gave gifts."

"Everyone is relatives and friends, you should be." Yu Xinran said, "Besides the child's full moon, it is natural to send a blessing."

Shan Rong asked, "Have you not seen the child? Go, I'll take you there!"

Walking into the baby room, Simon was lying in the cradle, sleeping very soundly.

His eyelashes are long and his skin is snowy, like an angel.

Everyone touched his face reluctantly, with a very gentle movement, for fear of breaking him; even the voice of speech couldn't help but become quieter, so as not to disturb his dreams.

"Uncle?" Huzi looked at him entangledly in Gong Bai's arms, and then at Simon.

Over the past few months, every time he saw Simon, Gong Mo corrected him and called him Uncle, which he naturally remembered. But the little brain still can't react: Why is there an extra uncle? Still so small? (To be continued~^~)

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