Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 877: Anti-"Double S Plan"

Tian Cheng was silent for a moment, looking forward to Yu Xinran, who was taking pictures with Tang Xinxin and Wu Di, and said: "I think Sister Xinran can be impatient sometimes, so you should take care of Sister Feifei. Because of her, I lost my mind. My sister is such a good partner, it's not worth it."

Gong Bai suffocated. Unexpectedly, Tian Cheng could see the problem!

He pressed the bitterness in his heart and smiled forcefully: "You are a little devil, you know everything?"

"Huh!" Tian Cheng twisted at the beginning, "If you think I'm wrong, you just don't listen to it~ Anyway, I'm not your sister, I might harm you."

"You--" Gong Bai said, "I'm so unlucky, are you still burying me? I have a sister, a cousin, and a cousin, but my sister is unreliable! I'm going to vomit to death!"

"You must have owed her in your last life." Tian Cheng said gleefully. "Maybe you may vomit you to death, and she will take revenge!"


At the meeting, medical representatives from hundreds of countries gathered.

Gong Mo and Sheng Nanxuan sat in the press box, wearing headsets with simultaneous interpretation, watching representatives of various countries debate fiercely.

Those who oppose Yu Qingliu think that such experiments will bring new breakthroughs to medical research, especially brain research, which is beneficial to all mankind!

"Those who think it is beneficial are simply pursuing public for personal gain!" Yu Qingliu said angrily, "If you don't oppose similar experiments to the end, think about it... Hitler is dying. We will transfer his thoughts and memories to another. With a healthy body, what will this world be like?"

"But Hitler is gone!"

"Really?" Yu Qingliu asked, "What about other politicians? What should the current head of government do?!"

Everyone gasped.

In fact, everyone has thought of this a long time ago, but this is the purpose of the people behind them. Being exposed so nakedly by Yu Qingliu, how can they dare to pretend to be confused?

If you don't agree with him, wouldn't it be that you tell everyone in disguise: The head of your country is making such an inhuman idea?

And if such experiments are not banned, some politicians and rich people will definitely ask medical scientists to help them conduct experiments. At that time, some people will live forever with different faces, doing evil in this world...

I can hardly imagine what the world will be like!

Finally, the official presiding over the meeting said: "The anti-'Double S plan' proposal will now begin to vote by show of hands.




Unanimously reached, the anti-"Double S Plan" was passed.

Gong Mo, Sheng Nanxuan, and Yu Qingliu all exhaled heavily.

The three people walked out of the building, Tian Cheng and the others came over: "How is it?"


"Yeah!" Tang Xinxin exclaimed happily, "Come on, you three stand up! Those who have made great contributions to mankind must take a photo."

Gong Mo said amused: "What nonsense?"

She wanted to stop Tang Xinxin, and Tang Xinxin avoided her: "Why don't you take a photo with you, what's the matter? If you don't keep it, the little cousin still needs to stay!"

"Then leave Uncle alone."

Yu Qingliu rolled his eyes: "Are you bored?"

"Uncle has done such a great thing. Of course, he has to take a photo for Ding Dang. Ding Dang will be happy!" Gong Mo said.

When Yu Qingliu thought of Ding Dang's style, his face showed a dark red. He straightened his back, put one hand in the pocket of his trousers, and raised his chin slightly, so handsome! (To be continued~^~)

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